1. the first meeting

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Fred was worried to say the least. His brain was racing and his hands were shaking as he looked at Harry's unconscious form in front of him. He was the only one left in the room as the rest of the quidditch team left along with Hermione and Ron.

Why am I still shaking, he's fine. He's just sleeping, Fred pondered. But he knew exactly why. It was his brotherly instincts that were driving him mad. He felt so awful when he saw Harry falling from the sky. Fred's need to protect his family is what kept him in the hospital wing that night watching over Harry as he slept.

Suddenly somebody opened the curtains surrounding the sleeping boy and the worrisome brother. Fred jumped, falling off his chair and successfully drawing him from his thoughts. With a small "oomf" he looked up to see who was intruding this late at night.

There stood Cedric Diggory, the very person who won the quidditch match for hufflepuff earlier that evening. "Sorry, I didn't know anybody would still be here," Cedric whispered as he held out his hand.

As Fred stared at his outstretched hand all of his anger from the match came back to him. Completely forgetting about the fact that harry was sleeping he sneered, "Did the hufflepuff party end early or have you come to rub your victory in Harry's face?"

Cedric was taken aback, he wasn't expecting anybody to be here, much less an angry teammate. "Um no I was actually going to see if Harry was alright," he said cautiously. Fred mumbled a "whatever" under his breath as he stood up ignoring Cedric's hand. Cedric narrowed his eyes, "And what are you doing here, the rest of your teammates have left."

The ginger boy sighed as he took his previous position in the stiff chair. Looking back at Harry, he felt his anger dissolve back into concern. "He's like my little brother, i'm worried about him."

Cedric studied Fred in this moment. He saw the blatant worry in his demeanor and what he thought was regret on his face. Placing a hand on his shoulder Cedric stated, "You know this wasn't your fault right? There was nothing you could do to stop the dementors from coming to the pitch. Stop beating yourself up for it."

Fred peered up at the brown haired boy and stared for a moment. He looked into his eyes and realized that Cedric was being genuine and appreciated his kindness. He then looked down at Cedric'a hand. It was warm and comforting, and Fred found that he quite liked his touch.

"I know, but I guess since I couldn't protect him out there, maybe I can protect him in here." Fred and Cedric's eyes met in that moment once again. Cedric froze as Fred's eyes trail from his own blue irises to the rest of his face. He felt heat rise up in his cheeks and looked away to hide his blush.

Fred chuckled at the sudden movements and tuned back towards Harry. His amusement was short lived though, for when he looked at the cuts and scrapes on the boys face he once again fell into his wallowing.

This did not go unnoticed by the blushing Hufflepuff, it only brought him to a state of determination. "Oh come on not again." Fred looked up at him with questioning eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Cedric, "Here, I have just the thing that will cheer you up."

Cedric turned around and started walking out of the hospital wing. "And what night that be Diggory?" The taller boy had now gotten out of his chair and was jogging slightly to catch up. Cedric turned his head and with a smirk said, "We are sneaking into the kitchens."

Memories || Fred Weasley x Cedric Diggory Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang