2. the great hall

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     Cedric was having a rather uneventful Monday morning.  He sat at the hufflepuff table eating breakfast with his friends. He seemed to be in a daze, people were having conversations around him, but he was in his own world.

Mindlessly scooping oatmeal in his mouth, he was consumed with thoughts of one ginger boy. How they became such great friends over the last few weeks he didn't know, but he was so grateful for it. Cedric found that he could completely be himself with Fred, that he didn't need to exceed all expectations with him.

When they were together it was just Cedric and Fred. Not the golden boy and the master prankster that everybody else knew. Cedric felt happy when he was with Fred, he felt safe.

A tap on his shoulder shook the dazed boy out of his thoughts. He turned around to find none other than Fred Weasley himself, with a mischievous look in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.  His hair was messy, and even though he wouldn't admit it, he quite liked it this way.

     The tall boy had sauntered over to the hufflepuff table ready to have a nice chat with one of his best mates.  He put on his confident stride and smirk which was sure to get everybody's attention, but his plans soon failed.  When Cedric turned around and a massive grin grew in his face, Fred's mind went blank.

     His confident demeanor faltered a bit as he searched for the words he had planned to say.  When he came up with nothing he just sat down next to the grinning boy with a small "Hey."

     Watching Fred's confident attitude turn into a shy one just made Cedric's grin widen with a chuckle.  "Exited to see me Freddie?"  He scoffed at this and with a shake of his head mumbled, "Yah whatever pretty boy." 

     Fred instantly regretted that comment.  His eyes widened as Cedric burst into laughter.  What seemed like the whole table turned to them as the boy laughed loudly. "Did ... you ... call ... me ... pretty?" Cedric managed to choke out between laughs.  Fred blushed and stuttered out, "n-no, I don't know what you're talking about."

     Clearly seeing that he was flustered, Cedric decided to take it one step further.  "Wow Freddie, master prankster and the only name you could come up with was pretty boy?  Didn't know you could get this flustered." 

     Still chuckling, "pretty boy" Cedric turned back to his breakfast and started eating again.  After a few bites of oatmeal, he spoke again, "You know Fred, I think you're-".  Cedric cut himself off as he saw that his friend was no longer sitting next to him, but storming out of the great hall.

     Standing up, Cedric left his now forgotten breakfast and sped after the ginger.  He ran out of the great to see an angry Fred at the end of the hallway.

     The slightly smaller boy approached cautiously.  "Fred...",  Cedric tried but was met with a scoff.  "Come to make fun of me some more have you?" sneered Fred.  He was angry, but Cedric didn't know why.

     "Woah mate, I was just having a bit of a laugh.  It's no big deal."  Fred looked at him then.  Cedric could see the anger and slight hurt in his eyes, and he did not like it one bit.  "No big deal? You just let half the great hall know that you thought it was oh so hilarious that I called you pretty." 

     Fred then turned to leave but was stopped by a warm hand in his wrist.  He looked back and was met with Cedric's blue eyes.  "Hey, I didn't mean to embarrass you.  I guess I was just as flustered as you were." With these words Cedric looked down in embarrassment of his confession.

     Fred took his hand out of Cedric's grip and took a step back.  "What do you mean?"  Thinking that Fred was going to walk away, Cedric startled and looked up at his words.  He then took a step forward causing the other boy to look at him with a questioning gaze.

     "Well Freddie...", annoyed with the nickname, Fred narrowed his eyes, but Cedric continued.  "I think you're quite pretty too." 

     That was not what he was expecting.  Fred's mouth hung agape while his cheeks flushed with color.  He started stuttering but Cedric cut him off, "but never call me pretty boy again Weasley."

     Cedric then turned and walked back into the great hall, leaving the blushing, stuttering gryffindor behind.

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