5. strawberries

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     Fred and George were sneaking through the empty corridors of Hogwarts.  Well, they were being as sneaky as they could with their arms full of candy.

     Earlier that evening, the twins noticed that their sweets stash was running dangerously low.  They simply couldn't survive without their daily fill of licorice wands, chocolate bars, and Freds favorite, strawberry lollies. 

     So, the only solution was to sneak off to Hogsmeade late this March evening.  Opening the hatch in the Honeydukes cellar, the ginger boys were greeted by the owner of the shop, Ambrosius Flume.

     "Boys! You gave me a fright!  What are you doing sneaking here this late?"  Fred and George exchanged a look and began speaking, "Well you see Me.Flume-"  Fred was immediately cut off by the round man, "Ahh now I know you want something.  You guys know you can call me Ambrose."  Trying to hide his smile he looked at the mischievous pair, he continued speaking.  "I'm taking you boys are here to buy out my candy supply again?"

     George cracked a smile as he replied, "Yes Ambrose you know us too well."  All three chuckled at that as they walked up the steps to the main store.  Instantly, the twins broke off to scourer the shop for their usual treats. 

     It was like a routine.  Fred would grab the lollies and chocolate bars while George would gather the licorice and jelly beans.  Striding up to the counter they dropped their loot and waited for Ambrose to ring them up.

     "Now, you know the deal.  20% for my best customers, but only if you make sure to promote Honeydukes to your fellow classmates."  The pair scooped up their sweets with a smile and a wink.  "You know it.  These candies are too good not to talk about them!"  Ambrose laughed at their antics and shooed them away saying that they better get back.

     So here they are now, trying their best not to drop their precious goods as they quietly walked the empty halls.  George was already eating a licorice wand out of his stack.  "Georgie! this is why we run out so fast, I might need to cut you off."  He just laughed and stared, "Oh Freddie you know you can't take me from my licorice wands just like you with those strawberry suckers." 

     George then turned to look at his twin with questioning eyes.  "Why did you suddenly start liking those anyway?  I thought you hated strawberry." 

     Fred's eyes widened as his cheeks flushed.  It was true, he didn't like strawberry candy.  But that changed one day when Cedric had said that he loved it.  After that day, the ginger boy found that he had a liking to strawberry too, because it was reminder of him.  He was actually sucking on one now.

    Just as Fred was about to say some made up excuse he was shushed by George.  "Shh, I think I hear filch coming down that hallway.  We better split up, i'll go right and you go left ok?"  Fred gave his twin a nod and they parted, taking different routes back to gryffindor tower.

     Looking behind his shoulder to make sure filch doesn't catch him, Fred turned into a corridor to put readjust his candies.  His plans were halted thought, for when he turned that corner he ran into something.  Sweets falling to the floor, Fred turned to find what he ran into.

     Standing there, with a posture of authority and a disapproving look in her eyes, was Minerva Mcgonnagal in all of her glory.  She looked down at the mess on the floor between them and back up at Fred.  Clearing her throat, she eyed the freckled boy before speaking, "Mr. Weasley, what are you doing out past curfew?"

     Fred gulped loudly.  He couldn't tell her what he had actually done, it would risk his the only passageway they have left.  He racked his brain for something to tell her but came up blank.  Cowering under her intimidating gaze, Fred started to stutter, "I- I was- well you see- um I-"

     But before Fred could dig himself into an even deeper whole, a voice came from across the hallway.  "Sorry professor, I was just taking him back to his common room.  I thought I heard something in that hallway over there and I left him to check it out."

     Fred whipped his head towards the familiar voice.  His eyes widened in shock and he let out a sigh of relief as he saw his savior.  There stood Cedric Diggory as handsome as ever, with his confident, but still kind aura radiating around him.  "Oh really, then why does he have his arms full of sweets?"  He was now walking towards them, a small smirk on his face once he saw Fred's bewildered expression.

     "I caught him trying to plant them in the hufflepuff common room.  My bet is that it's some sort of prank candy."  Mcgonnagal looked back at Fred with suspicious eyes, but the two boys gazes remained locked in each other.  Cedric gave him a wink that made heat rise in his cheeks as he turned back to his professor. 

     Looking between the pair, Minerva could tell what was going on.  She caught the wink Cedric sent in the corner of her eye and could see the red tinge to Fred's cheeks.  Oh she new all too well what was going on between the boys, but kept it to herself.  "Well then.  Mr. Diggory, you may proceed your duties. Goodnight you too." and with that, she turned around and walked away with a smile smile on her face.

     Once their professor was out of sight, Fred turned to the brown haired boy.  "Fancy seeing you here, come here often?"  Cedric just chuckled and took a step toward him.  "You know that prank candy idea wasn't too bad, I might use that."  He received a hum in reply as the distance between them continued to get smaller.

     The gryffindor was getting slightly nervous at the look on Cedrics face.  His eyes were hungry and a devilish smirk formed on his lips.  "Would you like some candy? I've got your favorite-"

     Fred was cut off as Cedric took one final step and closed the little distance between them.  He grabbed the gingers head and brought him into a passionate kiss. 

     It was slow and needy.  Fiery embers burned between them as Cedric slowly backed them to a wall and pushed Fred against it.  Fred grabbed his waist as Cedric's fingers weaved and tugged at the his hair.

     Cedric pulled back with a satisfied sigh.  "I've been wanting to do that all day."  The taller boy nudged his forehead against the others, "You could have just asked, I would have happily obliged." 

     Untangling himself from Fred's grip, Cedric bent down and started retrieving all of the fallen treats.  "But what's the fun in that?"  Fred laughed and took the candy from the other boys arms as they walked to gryffindor tower.

     After a few moments of comfortable silence, Cedric spoke up.

     "I think I like strawberries even more now."  Fred looked at him with an amused expression.  "And why's that?"

     Cedric smirked, and with a blush forming on his cheeks said, "Because they taste like you."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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