Chapter 23: Spider's Abilities

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Howdy my readers! I am going to update more frequently to make up for my lateness.

Nagisa's POV

I bought two extra notebooks to write down the Phantom Troupe's abilities and the new plan to kill Illumi and Hisoka. I went to school early but someone was there before me. I wandered who it was and it was the Phantom Troupe. I couldn't sense the other 10 members. 

Everyone sensed my presence and examined the room. I walked inside.

"Hello! You guys are here early."

"We were having a meeting here before anyone else comes here. You're name is Nagisa right? Thank you for the notes. You are also here early it is 6:30am and school starts at 8:30am."-Machi

"Yes, my name is Nagisa. Thank you for remembering my name. I am here early because of two reasons. First, I was excited to write your abilities and the new plan. Second, my house is far from here so I usually have to get here early." 

"What kind of meeting were you holding to be exact?" I just had to ask curiosity gets the best of me. 

"The meeting is none of your business. Stop sticking your nose or else you will regret it."-Machi

"I am sorry. I was just curious. Next time I will not ask any personal questions maybe further explanation on your abilities."

Time Skip brought to you by Ed's shortness 

Everyone is now in the classroom now and the Spiders are going to explain their abilities. The atmosphere was tense. It was hard to breath.

"My weapon I use is Ben's Knife. Ben's Knife are renowned for their exceptional sharpness. The blade is soaked with a toxin so powerful that 0.1 mg could paralyze a whale. I also have two  antennae and a cellphone. Shalnark's abilities."-Chrollo

"I have preternatural perception, enhanced strength, immense speed and reflexes, enhanced agility, genius-level intellect, master strategist, master in hand-to-hand combat and a weapon specialist."-Chrollo

"I am a specialist. Skill hunter allows me to steal the nen ability of other people to use them as my own through a conjured book known as 'Bandit's Secret.' The victim no longer has access to their stolen ability. The theft has happens under strict conditions."-Chrollo

"1: I must witness the nen ability in action with his eyes. 2: I must ask about the ability and be answered by the victim. 3: My victim must touch the hand-print on the cover of Bandit's Secret. 4: All of the above must be done within an hour."-Chrollo

"I must turn to the page with the ability on it and the book must remain open in his right hand; this means he could only have access to one chosen ability at a time. If the victim dies than the ability vanishes from the book. However, if their nen has become stronger after death I can keep that ability."-Chrollo

"Double Face is a bookmark that allows me to maintain access to any ability on the page it is placed, even if the book is closed and I am not touching it. I can have the book open while the bookmark is on a different page so I can use two abilities instead of one."-Chrollo

"Sun and Moon activates when two symbols appear on my hands: a sun with a plus on the left and a waxing/waning moon with a minus on the right. By touching the intended target, I can mark them with a different symbol depending on which hand I used. When the two marks touch each other, they trigger an explosion."-Chrollo

"Order Stamp conjures a stamp that, when affixed onto a "puppet", allows the user to control it by giving a vocal command. To be considered a puppet, the object that the user wishes to control must have a head and be lifeless."-Chrollo

"Convert Hands have two marks appear on the palms of my hands. The one on the right hand consists of a black ring within which is a black arrow pointing towards my middle finger. The area that is not occupied by the arrow is black. Touching someone with this mark will cause them to take on my likeliness."-Chrollo

"The mark on my left hand has the opposite color scheme, and the arrow points towards my wrist. By touching someone with this mark, I can take on their likeliness. If I touch a person with both markers, me and that person's likeliness will be swapped. This ability only affects appearance and not abilities or personalities."-Chrollo

"My weapon is a katana. I have preternatural perception, enhanced speed and reflex, enhance strength, enhanced agility, master swordsman, and an Iaido master."-Nobunaga

"Iaido is a set of controlled movements involving the drawing of a sword from its scabbard, the striking or cutting off an opponent, the removing of blood from the blade, and finally the placement of the sword back in the scabbard."-Nobunaga

"I am enhancer. I have skill in En which he can cast with a range of up to 4 meters, corresponding to the reach of his blade, and indeed befitting his fighting style. (I am going to make an another ability when it comes to Nobu but I am going to save it during the fight.)"-Nobunaga  

"I keep several needles in the pincushion I wear on my wrist. I use them for my ability and keep track of a target. I have preternatural perception, enhanced strength, immense speed and reflexes, immense endurance, enhanced agility, muscle control, keen intellect, immense intuition and expert in stealth."-Machi

"I am a transmuter. Nen stitches are creating threads which can be used to sew open wounds and even to completely reattach severed limbs in a short time.Nen threads is where I transmute my aura into threads to manipulate her target's movements like a puppeteer. I can also use them in elaborate traps to capture, strangle or cut enemies." -Machi

"A thread as long as the Earth's diameter would be as strong as cotton, but a one-meter long thread could lift a ton. The threads are also very durable, unable to be cut or torn. However, if the threads leave my fingers, their ultimate strength drop significantly."-Machi

"My weapon is hakusen. Hakusen is a folding fan made out of paper both as a weapon and as a medium for my ability. I have advanced speed, advanced agility, master of stealth, rhythm echo(I have already explained this on chapter 14),and weapon specialist."-Kalluto(Just to let you readers know who haven't watched HxH Kalluto is a boy) 

"Kalluto is a manipulator. Surveillance Paper Dolls activates by attaching a piece of confetti to a person's body and creating a paper doll of that person, I am able to hear anything being said within the vicinity of that person, thus allowing him to gain precious information without being detected."-Kalluto

"Dance of the Serpent's Bite is a technique is initiated when I lift his hand and drops a certain amount of paper confetti. By subsequently waving his fan through the air with graceful movements, he can lift them up and throw them at his opponent from multiple angles."-Kalluto

I will explain the rest of their abilities on the next chapter. Love you readers. Ja ne~

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