part 5( maha episode)

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As swara took him there where seeing the moon and and city lights from far
She took his hands "I need to tell you something i know u did not know much about me I will tell u as I know u married me only on your family is it true" he nodded I want you trust me but no one in the family because it to you the truth is your badema is a devil he was shocked if u believe it I will say the truth whole he nodded she started " your badima is kaveri as other name in drug business along with other illegal business she was greedy and showed she was like a simple lady and odd thinking protrated herself and married into Maheshwari family as for your birth it was like miracle as before you were born laksh was born actually he and you were same year before this your parents could not convience their kids because she was given a drug making her lead to miscarriage and you mom being thinks it her misfortune as laksh became first born and you the second as ap wanted her child to be first born as laksh was born she ignored so u were born in the same year but 6 months difference as laksh was most pampered kid when you are born he could not take it so he asked ap take away she told to wait as he wantedly snatch your toys and food later he b came more jealous of your intelligence cutness and him felt more when you sang more good than him so ap could not tolerate this so she was ready to take your life as she already made ram and sujji believe that your birth was curse and it was easy for her to kill you so she poured the hot water and made your throat spoil but her bad lucky you are alive and she made everything hate you loath you " Sankar could not hear he was crying much he now understand it was his badi ma and till now they made this look like only this
He asked through signs " what was his fault and y god gave this birth"
Swara" Sanskar you are born and took this much pain because only because of you many will get justice" he did not understand for this u need to know more about your family I need you to  train so take this revenge
Sanskar" swara but y did you agree to marry me and came into this family"
Swara " Sanskar the more u need know you have to be strong
Sn: no you have to tell me how you know and y u married me

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