part 11

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Swara saw him coming she got up took his hands made him sit on the bed she kept his hands bear heart and asked Sanskar you should this a plan as everyone are showing and I am waiting for this moment and I want to become yours I don't care what happens next moment I waited for you all this months to gain your trust now I want to take our relationship to next level I will pamper you as wife love you care you as your mother and will become sheild to protect you like a your father will be be mine will you trust me no matter what happens I do will do for you will you u give me your rights to me as your wife tonight will you?
Sanskar who felt happy suddenly went to cupboard and took out a cover which he had kept for her as gift Sanskar old her it's gift I brought with my first salary she looked confuse I I'm doing online job of making presentation under uncle guidedance so I got salary for my first project and I brought you anklets as I felt it will be beautiful for you in morse code she felt happy he can communicate she hugged him and as she felt he husband is gaining knowledge and he is giving his fist salary as many gave this to their mom h is giving to her means she was more than his mom and felt happy and the outside is weather is changing adding more romantic to it she pushed him on bed gave him kisses with taking him to heaven he made her lie down and came up remover her and his clothes they souls are connected and they he came to know what's the relation which his wife taught him he understood their love making is bliss and they slept in each other's arms under a sheet and he stayed inside her as he felt bliss and did not come out she felt pain and pleasure from her husband who was a kid now a man who showed love to his women

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