part 8

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Sanskar felt the sun rays got into the room he got disturbed and hide his face in her chest as the breath had touched her chest she felt tickling and she tried not to distrub and he made him to move and she took shower and  and made him to take shower and she left adn she came out of the room she put the stern face having no expression
Raglak room
Laksh : ragini I had a donut don't you sister smile
Ragini she never raised her voice against for parents she was sent away by me
Lak: means
Rag: when she was born my parents started to get attached with her as she was new baby I tried to make me console me but my dadi told me I should b pampered I was good and first daughter I made my dadi beat as she always used to be jealous and I made her stay in dark room and when once dida got to know she took away my parents love me pamper me I was happy and she never raised voice against me and even though she was distant herself from us but she was still like me and respect me and is in my hand she like a puppet and it's good that we can gain her trust more and if she believes us blindly she will be tramp card in gaining Sanskar property as u said we can make them both hate each other Sanskar will be helpless and swara will be puppet in our hands
Swasan room
As he felt to see the watch beep as he touched he heard everything and he felt angry ( mind) till know everyone made me miserable I will not let my swara to suffer for that I have to became strong and I will learn study and run my business and defeat and my mom and dad never care about me so I will do this for making me I think I need to get my voice 1st I have to ask swara
Swara started to serve and taking care of everyone raglak also joined
As she gave aloo minthi paratha and and everyone started to eat and suddenly Sanskar started to cough and left from there and no one care as  he went to his room closed his room he opened he stopped as he felt it's good to act went to he saw msg and he opened its stated the his appointment for throat treatment and he made his act and left as no one cared about him but he gave a small pitiful smile to swara as a signal and went
Ch Sanskar come and took him to a isolated home and a doctor took him for the check up
Dr : mr Sanskar after this many years passed it would be easy but your care it need more care means you have some more 2years and I will monitor and will take time
Ch I m set u have to wait Sanskar I wanted to teach you Morse code and u and swara will be easily to connect to each and I will arrange to make you get your degree as swara is good teach you u will become strong I hope you are okay

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