part 10

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Swara went and told this to sujatha and ap they were happy as they know laksh already took there permission
Ap( mind) even though I need a heir it's better I can get from her and why don't I take her to the doctor so I can make her child as my blood as taking lucky samples and insert in her no it will not make anything let Sanskar do I will snatch his child then he will cry and this makes him miserable after the heirs birth I will transfer the property on my name

On this made swara high and she made everyone decoration for their first night and nearly ragini was smiling but fuming inside along with ap but sujatha is like always ignorant and always behind ap and ram under dp
Swara went and sat there waiting and Sanskar came he was surprised as everyone make him ready as a groom for first night and they had sent him to his first night

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