2 : Boys

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The two got out the car , as they walked into the school gates , already annoyed at the fact that they gotta be here .
Yeosang loved school , but he just didnt really like the people in the school , meanwhile San hates school , but just loves all the girls and guys here .
" Lets go check the boys . " San said .
Yeosang nodded agreein' as they both escaped to the little garden at the back of the school to see if the other boys were there too . This was their favorite place , they loved sneakin' to the back , as nobody really comes back to the back of the school , since they were clearly not allowed too , the boys were never caught hanging back here , so they just decided to keep this place as theirs .
" Yooo .. wassup guys . " Yunho yelled , as he saw the two approaching .
The rest greets them too , with a handshake and a pat on the back .
The two sat down , crackin' a smile on their face , as they saw Mingi sleepin' , with his mouth wide open .
" What happened to him ? " Yeosang questioned .
" Dude , he had a tough night , he tried to get a girl last night , but she rejected him"
Yunho answered , as him and Jungho laughed . " Shut up . " Mingi mumbled in his sleep .
" YOOOO ! "
They all looked back as they heard , that one person yelled , and as always it was Jung Wooyoung .
" Aiish .. too loud . " Mingi mumbled .
" I brought some snacks for us . " Wooyoung said , sittin' next to Yeosang .
" Thanks . " Yeosang answered .
" So anybody going class today ? " Seonghwa questioned .
" If San's ditching to get some girls , then so im I . " Wooyoung answered , with a smirk .
San nodded his head , about to answer but someone beat him to it .
" Ahha .. Nope , hes going class . " Yeosang answered with a smile .

San stared at him with a questioning look , but Yeosang just smiled back at him .
" Really ? Your going class ? Bro , You suck . " Wooyoung said with a whine .
" Ahha .. Yeah , i guess so . " San said , pullin' out and lighting a cigarette.
" Eww . " Yeosang got up , standing far from him .
" San , move you know I hate the smell of cigarette . " He complained .

" Fine . Fine . " San replied with a chuckle , getting up , but of course not forgettin' to blow some smoke into Yeosang's face before moving .

" Ugh .. disgusting bitch . " Yeosang mumbled , before sittin' where San sat before .

" Ohh . There goes the fucken bell . " Seonghwa said , as they all got up gettin' ready for class .
" San bro ? Your really goin' class ? " Wooyoung whined again . San let out a small chuckle , before nodding his head .
Yeah , San doesnt wanna go class too , but he knows that his best friend will probably smack tf out of him , if he doesnt listen to him .
He blew out one more smoke before , he took his things , as him and Yeosang slowly walk to class .

" Do I really have to go class ? " He asked .

" Yeah , we have a test today remember ? "
Yeosang answered .

" Why in the fucken world would i remember ? " He answered , ruffling his hair .

" Shut it , if you need help , just text me , ill leave my phone on . " Yeosang answered , ignoring his best friends attitude .

" Yes sir . " San answered , as they both walked into class .

The two walked in , of course to hear loud whistles , giggles , and whispers , some for the hot guy in class , and other ones for the visual king .
Yeosang , like always ignored them , since he really wasnt interested , but San on the other hand , winked at some girls before he sat down .
" Eww . " mumbled Yeosang .
" Pls , stop flirting I might puke . " He continued .
" Oh .. shut up , your just jealous they like me more than you . "

" Oh .. please bitch shut up . " Yeosang answered , laughing .

Before they could continue talkin' the teacher walks in through the door as usually , a big as frown on his face , as if he was tired of seeing the same faces everyday .
" Yeosang , come pass out these tests , and when you get them start , I dont wanna hear no talkin' . " The teacher said boredly , but still with a serious face .

" Fuck . Why do i have to do it ? " Yeosang whispered , but still getting up .

" Good luck , the girls are so gonna love you . " San whispered , sending a small wink to Yeosang.

And , just like what San said the girls sure did love Yeosang , he passed out the test papers , only to have some girls slowly unbuttoning their shirt , or some girls trying to push out their boobs , to get the poor boys attention , San watched it all trying to hold in his laughter , but of course Yeosang as usually , just continued on ignoring all the girls , as they send him a few frowns , when they noticed that he actually didnt care , and just kept walking off .

" Yoo . Why didnt u give them your number ? " San asked , as he sat down .

" No , now shut it and do your test . " He answered .

The test was two pages long , boring the shit out of San , he just stared at his paper not even giving a damn about his test .
Yeosang has send him a whole bunch of text to his phone , tellin' him the answers , but San ignored it , annoyin' the shit out of Yeosang .

" Do it. " Yeosang whispered .

" Im tired . "

" Now . "

" No .. Later . "

" Ugh .. " Yeosang groaned finally giving up on helping his own best friend .

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