22 : Drunk Two

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Yeosang ended up drinking more than he thought , he didn't know what made him act this way , he was just disappointed in himself , for failing to avoid the other , he knew he shouldn't have come to this stupid boy hang out that Wooyoung suggested , but at the same time , Yeosang's mind was completely gone as he was seriously wasted , the other boys didn't come back downstairs probably leaving these two to have more time together , since they haven't had that in a long time , San still sat by the other , wanting to stop the other but at the same time just decided to let him be .

" Why are you drinking so much ? "

Yeosang looked up at the other , eyes droopy , he tried opening his eyes wide to see the other , before failing and just putting his head back down on the table .

" Because . " Yeosang said with a short reply .

" Why ? "

" Cause . "

" Why are you avoiding me ? "

" Cause . "

" Because what ? "

" I can . "

San stared at the other , anger slowly rising up his chest , he knew that he shouldn't get mad at the other , since he was just drunk , but he just couldn't help it , he was drunk too , so basically the both of them was completely stupid and wasted by this time .

" Seriously ? That's your answer ? " San asked , standing up slamming his hands on the table startling the other .
Yeosang looked up at the other , staring at him for a few times , he slammed his hand on the table , but his voice was too calm , and Yeosang knew that the other was trying not to lose control . The sound of his hands slamming , didn't go unheard by the other boys upstairs though , as soon as they heard it , they all ran out , about to go check it out , but quickly stopped when San gave them a warning look , so they ended slowly backing back but still standing hiding behind the wall , as they stared silently at what was going to happen .

" I wanna know why you were avoiding me , Kang Yeosang . " He replied , even more calmly but this time with a warning tone . Yeosang sat there lost , he sighed before standing up , trying to hold himself up by holding onto the table .

" They're both drunk right ? " Wooyoung whispered .

" Yeah .. I think so . " Hongjoong replied .

The boys stared at Yeosang , when the boy stood up , but Yeosang just ended up staring deeply at San , the other stared back at him , they stared at each other for a few minutes , San waiting for Yeosang's answer , but the other was too drunk , and was just staring straight at San's lips .

It was extremely quiet in the house , before they heard a bottle of beer fall , crashing onto the floor , cracking in pieces , but it was due to Yeosang's fault , for the other pushed San against the table , before slamming his lips on the others own . The boys eyes widened , quite shocked at what just happened , San who was pushed against the table , had his eyes widened at first , but ended up kissing the other back without knowing why . The both of them was too drunk even think straight , San held the other pushing him closer by the waist before , putting his hand on the others cheek .
Before they could even continue , another crash was heard , because Yeosang ended up crashing onto the floor , falling asleep .

" What the ? " San questioned , before laying down , next to him , and falling asleep after . The two who went to sleep , didn't know that the moment they wake up tomorrow , they will probably finally realize what they  just did .

" What the fuck just happened ? " Wooyoung exclaimed , looking at the others for explanation but the others were just as confused as him .

" Ohh boy .. Im sure something bad might happen , when they wake up , and remember what just happened . " Jongho said , making the others nod in agreement.

" But hey , at least San kissed him back . " Yunho said with a big smile , trying to stay positive .

" Yeah .. but San looked like he was too drunk to even notice that it was actually his own best friend that kissed him . "
Mingi said .

" Whatever , lets just see tomorrow. "
Seonghwa said , Hongjoong agreeing with him , as they all just decided to sleep in the living room all together .


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