36: Kitchen Tingz

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  Morning finally came , but the two were still asleep , legs tangled together , while they still laid in each others arms , like a cute couple , expect they weren't a couple , YET !

San was the first to wake up , he groaned trying to get up , while he tried to push the other's arms off of him , but the other pushed him even closer , deepening the hug . San's tired eyes , stared at the other one , too lazy to even argue with the other , so he closed his eyes again , waiting for the other to wake up , but opened his eyes again when he heard his stomach growling . 'Aiish . ' He thought forcing himself to get up again , slowly getting the others hand from him , which made the other whine cutely when he no longer felt warmth , making San let out a small smile .

After brushing his teeth and washing his face , he walked downstairs wanting to fix himself some breakfast , he ended up just fixing himself some pancakes , but of course creating a huge mess in the kitchen while doing so .
It took him a while to finally finish cooking his burned pancakes , he walked up the stairs ready to wake the other out of the bed so they can eat their not-so-tasty breakfast .

" Sangieeee . " He called out , opening the door to see the other still sound asleep .
He sat on the edge of the bed , shaking the other trying to get the other to wake up , but the other didn't budge .
" Sangieeee . " He called out , shaking the other even harder by now , finally the other moved slowly opening his eyes , letting out a small yawn . " Wake up fool , eat with me . " He said to the other , slowly pulling his body to sit up . The other groaned , still tired but forced himself out of bed , while San went back downstairs waiting for the other .

Finally , San heard small footsteps coming down the stairs , as he stared into space already tired of waiting for the other . " What are we eating ? " Yeosang asked , finally sitting down across the other .
" Burnt pancakes . " He replied .
Yeosang nodded his head , digging in .
He would of said something , but he already knew that the other was a bad cook , so he just decided to force himself to eat the food the other cooked .
" Why'd you leave last night ? "

Yeosang stopped eating , trying to remember what the other was talking about , and finally it came to mind .
' Sheesh , Yeosang you left cause of jealousy and didn't even think about him questioning you later . ' He thought to himself .

" Just bored . " He replied , not looking at the other .

" Yeosang ? "

" Mhmm ? "

" Your still a bad liar . "

" Yeah .. "

They both dropped the subject , digging into their foods , not saying anything after .
The two finally finished , and Yeosang cleaned up their spot and washed out their dishes , while San went to take a shower .

Yeosang stood by the sink , washing their dishes out in silence , humming to a small song in his head .
He was too busy focused on washing out their dishes to notice the small footsteps coming his way .
San who was only in his towel , and wet hair dripping stood behind him , with a smug look on his face , waiting for the other to turn around so that he can scare the shit out of him .

Yeosang finally finished , and without even looking back he stepped back , about to check if he did a good job at doing the dishes and cleaning up the sink , when he felt a hand on his waist , which made him turn very fast knocking himself down , but San held him even tighter pushing their body closer , no space in between the both of them , and their faces close to each other noses basically touching by now . San's eyes widened this wasn't what he expected to happen , he was suppose to scare the other , but this took a weird and twisted turn . The two froze lost for words , Yeosang's cheeks reddened when he realized how close the two were , he so badly wanted to kiss the other , he couldn't help himself from staring at the other's lips , he knew the other probably can see him staring at his lips , but he really couldn't stop himself , his body was feeling kind of hot , he can feel the other's bare skin and the fact that the other was only in his towel , made it even harder for him to breathe .

San stared at the other , who he can clearly see was checking him out , he couldn't help but let out a small smirk , when he saw the other's flushed cheeks and his eyes that was on his lips .
He knew what the other wanted , and he would be lying if he said he didn't want to kiss the other too , so San finally did both of them a favor , pushing the other against the kitchen sink , smirking at Yeosang's widened eyes , before he finally claimed the other's lips , holding his cheeks with his other hand .
Yeosang didn't even waste time before kissing the other back , while they both devour the taste of each other's lips , his hands pushing San closer , while he held him close by the waist .
The other bit his lips , making Yeosang let out a small moan , while San pushed his tongue into the other's mouth , tasting his everything , making Yeosang's face even redder .
The two finally pulled back for air , while Yeosang stared down at the ground trying to get a hold of what's happening , San looked back at the other , he didn't know what it was but he didn't want to stop , but he knew that he should , this guy was his best friend , and fuck they both didn't even know what they were doing .

The sound of a phone ringing , made the two flinch as the phone broke the silence .
" O-oh , that's my phone . " Yeosang said finally happy that he has an excuse to escape what just happened .
He quickly ran to the living room , answering the phone when he saw Wooyoung's caller I.D .

" H-Hello ? " He answered , his voice cracking since he was still thinking about what just happened .
" You alright bro ? " Wooyoung asked .

" Yeah , what's up ? "

" What do you mean ? It's Seonghwa's birthday bro , hope y'all didn't forget . He's throwing a party at his house , I just wanted you to tell San if he can pick me up too , on you guys own way there . "

" W-what ? Ohh yeah , don't worry we didnt forget . " He lied .
" Yeah , i'll tell him . "

" Okay , shoot , see y'all tonight . " Wooyoung said before ending the call .

Yeosang sat for a while gathering up the courage to talk to the other about what Wooyoung just said .

" San ? " He called the other , walking back to the kitchen to see the other was no longer there . " San ? " He said walking up to the room , to see the other laying down , already having clothes on .
" Yeah ? "

" Before , we go to Seonghwa's house for his birthday we have to go get Wooyoung"
He said in a small voice .
" Okay . " San replied , eyes closed not even looking at the other .
Yeosang nodded before going back out , as he stayed in the living room while San stayed in their shared room .



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