44: Confessions & Happiness

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The door to the cafe opened abruptly as Yeosang ran in looking around for San , since he knew he was working tonight .
" Excuse me ? " He called running up to the counter .

" Yes ? " A girl answered .

" Is San here ? Choi San ? " He asked .

" No , he didn't come to in today sorry . "

" Oh okay , thanks . " He said , before running back out .

" Where the fuck can he be ? " He mumbled before remembering the forest .
He stood on the side of the road , holding out his hand as he called a taxi to bring him there .

Finally , when he got there he ran straight to the abandoned home , climbing up the ladder  as fast as he can , finally standing on the roof top to see nobody in sight .

He groaned once again in annoyance since he was sweating really bad , he sat down for a little , before pulling out his phone calling up the other , but the call went straight to voicemail frustrating him even more . But he didn't give up , he knew where to go next , so he got up and ran straight out the forest again . He so badly wanted to meet the other , and make him read out the paper to him , he just felt so stupid . ' Why couldn't he read this paper sooner ? ' He thought almost wanting to pull out his own hair .

He breathed out really hard , before sitting on the steps outside of Wooyoung's house . He wanted to calm down his breathing first before he can see if the other was at Wooyoungs home .
He slowly wiped his sweat , before he finally got up turning back only to see the door opened and there walked out the person he's been wanting to see , looking hot as usual wearing his same black leather jacket , with some black tight jeans that hugged his small waist , and his white pair of clean shoes , with his messy hair displayed right in front of his eyes , surprising people at the fact that he can still actually see .

" Sangie ? "

Yeosang stared at the other holding the paper in his hand tightly behind his back .
" Why are you sweating so bad , Sangie ? "
San asked walking right in front of him , wiping the small sweat that was coming down his forehead , as Yeosang continued to stare at the other eyes slowly watering .
San stared at the other surprised to see the other slowly crying .

" Sangie ? Whats wrong ? " San asked concern in his voice , as he held the other by the chin , to look up at him when Yeosang slowly put his head down .
" Are you high , Sangie ? " San said trying to crack up a joke , to make the other laugh , but the other just started sniffing.
" Woaah , what is going on ? Why are you crying ? Did someone hurt you , is it that bitch Yeonjun ? " San asked a little more serious now . " I'll kill him . "

Yeosang finally got the courage to speak to the other , so he finally looked the other in his eyes that was filled with concern .
" W-why did you call me to the cafe that night San ? " He finally asked , voice cracking . San stared at him , taken back from the question .
" What are you talking about Sangie ? "
He asked , not answering the other's questions .
" That's the reason why the boys were acting pretty strange , and sayin some weird things , so San answer me what did you call me that night for ? " Yeosang asked staring straight into the other's eyes , hoping the other would just tell him the truth .
San stared at the other who's eyes never left him , not even knowing what to say . Does he know ? San thought .
But how can he ? He thought once more .
Maybe it's the boys that told him . He thought before slowly turning his head to glare at the house the boys were in to see all of there heads all already popped out from the window , as they all slowly listened and concentrated on the two , surprising the fuck out of San , when they all gave him a sheepish smile .
San stared back at Yeosang still surprised at what he saw before he finally answered the other .

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