Time Travel:1941 Part 3

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Natasha pov
"Shall we Miss Petrov?" Steve asked looking at me with amused eyes.
"Lead the way Captain" I smirked as we both walked down the camp while soldiers shouted and ran in straight lines.
So this is military life huh?
"So how are we gonna keep 1941 Captain America from showing up and ruining our plan" I said once we locked ourselves up in a storage compartment.
"Right now I am on a tour trying to stop Hydra's main leader named 'Red Skull' so I won't be coming back for another 3 weeks. So when we travelled back in time, I came back a day earlier than you did and pretended to have finished my mission earlier than expected. Peggy thinks I came back without successfully apprehending him, so we are currently planning another route of attack. In the meeting yesterday I made up a fake Russian ally which is where you come in the picture for now" Steve explained carefully while I listened patiently.
"Alright well let's just hope everything goes according to plan. How are you feeling?" I whispered looking back towards the door to make sure no one would come through.
"I don't even know how to feel" he said truthfully sighing sadly.
"It must be a lot seeing Peggy again" I replied glancing at him.
"It is. Just trying to keep eye contact with her for longer than two seconds it's hard for me let alone lying to her face" He admitted rubbing a hand through his hair in frustration.
"I know Steve I know" I said rubbing his back while giving him a sympathetic smile.
"I just-I see her and I can't believe she's there. I'm no longer staring at a picture of her. She's here. She's alive." He whispered sadly and I immediately thought of Peggy's funeral several years ago and how absolutely heartbroken he was about her death.
I was about to reply when we both heard distant voices outside the door. One of them standing out among all others. The soft British accent belonged to Peggy.
"I want this equipment in the storage room in the emergency aisle please" She ordered before the clicking of her heels disappeared in the distance.
The door began juggling making Steve and I quickly run down an aisle and pretend to be discussing something.
"The emergency aisle located on the far right over there is only ever used if we are ever under attack" Steve spoke loudly as three soldiers entered with heavy equipment glancing at the both of us.
"Captain Rogers" they all greeted with a soft smile.
"Gentlemen" Steve greeted back.
"Ma'am" they acknowledged briefly walking passed me and I nodded with a smile.
"Shall we go to the training station?" Steve asked stretching his arm out signaling me to go in front of him out of politeness.
"Yes Captain" I said walking out the door with him right behind me.
Once we were both outside we quickly spotted Peggy talking to a general before excusing herself and walking towards us.
"How's the tour going? Has Steve scared you off yet?" She joked lightly while slightly stroking his bicep.
This is the second time she's done that. Is she trying to mark her territory?
I chuckled at the thought of a jealous Peggy Carter while I responded her.
"Oh no we operate similarly in our Russian camps, if not far worse." I replied smiling at her.
"Well you must be a great soldier if they sent you. All men are still pretty much sexiest pigs, sending a women for battle is very...rare... for lack of another word" Peggy acknowledges admirably.
"Well behind every man there's a fierce woman" I shrugged humbly.
"Can I get a hallelujah and a amen for that?" She laughed agreeing with me.
"We will be training later perhaps you should join. This way you can grow accustom to how we operate as a team here" Peggy suggested and I glanced at Steve before looking at her.
"Uh yes of course" I said without hesitation.
"Perhaps we should let her settle first" Steve suggested looking down at Peggy who was by his side giving him a sharp look.
"Do not treat this soldier any different because she's a women. She can handle herself. Isn't that right Miss Petrov?" Peggy questioned challenging in a bitter tone.
Pffft can I handle some pathetic training? Please... I can handle WWII.
"Of course I can handle it. Russians don't get their reputation by walking around in a uniform all day" I sassed slightly giving her a fake smile.
"Very well Miss Petrov. Let's see how true this Russian reputation is" she challenged giving me a cocky smirk while turning around to an oblivious Steve.
"I will see you later love" she said pecking his lips and giving me a last glare before walking away.
At the gesture I felt a a tiny tiny tiny tiny instinct to drag Peggy down the dirt all the way to Russia but I quickly shook it off and smiled as she walked away.
Steve on the other hand was completely stiff and in shock.
"Steve if we're gonna do this mission, you can't black out every time she kisses you" I mentioned snapping my fingers in front of his face.
"Uh-yeah yeah she's just not one to be affectionate at work. I wasn't expecting that." He explained stuttering with his words.
"I say you start getting use to this new normal" I advised smirking at him.
"What do you mean?" He asked bewilderedly at my suggestion.
"I mean that Peggy Carter is jealous" I said amusingly.
"What? No" Steve argued laughing at me.
"Oh Rogers this will be a lot of fun" I said patting his shoulder while laughing at his cluelessness.
"You're crazy" Steve chuckled rolling his eyes and shaking his head in amusement.
"You know me so well" I emphasized jokingly.
"Damn right" he whispered before we both smiled and went our separate ways to get a scope of the territory.

Get the stone and save the world. Easy peasy.

Boy was I wrong?...
Hello beautiful family,
There will be several parts to this story. As you can tell I'm horrible at doing one shots. So instead of being one shots, they sectioned into individual short stories with different titles.
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