Time Travel:1941 Part 6

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Natasha pov
"Steve It's been 5 days since we got here, how can it be possible that the stone isn't here" I whispered harshly as we waited side by side for our breakfast.

Natasha pov"Steve It's been 5 days since we got here, how can it be possible that the stone isn't here" I whispered harshly as we waited side by side for our breakfast

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"It was suppose to be here. I remember walking in on Peggy talking about it a couple months prior. She had no option but to tell me everything about it. The missions, the recovery, our allies, our enemies, everything imaginable Nat" Steve whispered back as we slowly made our way through the line.
"Well it's obviously no longer in the camp Steve. I've broken into every single secret S.H.I.E.L.D base in here and it's not here.
"No Nat. You don't get it. I'm the one that's suppose to carry out the mission" Steve replied while he smiled at someone who greeted him from behind him
"Good morning Steve" the stranger acknowledges.
"Morning Paul" Steve smiled and I pretended to mind my own business.
Soon after Paul walked away I whispered back.
"Yes and 'you' don't come back for another two weeks, which means the stone should be here but isn't. So where the hell is it?" I asked.
"Peggy and I have a S.H.I.E.L.D meeting today. I'll bring it up as a matter of concern. I will try and push them to show me the secured location where the stone is suppose to be" Steve explained.
"So you think they will just listen to you?" I asked with uncertainty.
"Nat, believe it it out not I was considered "cool" back in my day. Plus I'm a man who happens to have super strength and it's considered America's golden boy, so trust me, they'll listen to me" Steve chuckled humorously
"It must be soul crushing to know you didn't age well. Who would of known one day Captain America would be a post-blip trauma counselor" I sassed humorously smirking at him which he returned with a soft chuckled.
"I'm so grateful to always have you keeping me on my toes. I can't get one second of glory with you" he smirked sassing me while thanking the lady in front of him for his food and glancing me once more before walking away from me.
For a quick recap of the last five days, it has mostly consisted of me 'training' with other soldiers. I would consider it more like kicking their asses, but that's a whole other story. All the soldiers hate me to say the least (but what's new?). I'm just glad I am dragging their far too boosted ego through the mud(quiet literally).
Even though Peggy is extremely impressed by my training, she is also is extremely triggered. She continually tries to challenge whatever I do or say.
Being a woman here is hard enough as it is. So I try to control myself and let soldiers throw a punch or two throughout the day so that Peggy doesn't feel challenged or threaten.
Steve and I try to meet every hour to keep each other updated because we don't have ear intercoms. Times like these I truly appreciate Stark's stupid talking A.I.
Today however is different then the typical boring day.
Peggy Carter requested you see me at her office.
"Maybe yore finally returning to your scum of a motherland" Smith smirked as a soldier delivered her message.
I flipped him off while walking away.
As I entered her office, I realized her serious and bitter attitude.
What did I do now?
"Take a sit Miss Petrov" Peggy instructed.
I did as I was told.
"You requested you see me Agent Carter" I replied.
"Yes. But this is more of a personal matter" Peggy replied her eyes glaring daggers at me as she talked.
"Alright. How many I help you?" I asked politely.
"I am not the jealous type Miss Petrov. But I feel the need to inform you that Mister Rogers and I are in a romantic relationship, in case there has ever been any confusion whatsoever." Peggy emphasized as she approached to rest on her body against the table in front of me.
"I am afraid I do not understand what you're implying here" I replied meeting her gaze.
"Well then, let's not be vague. I want you to stop flirting with my man Miss Petrov. I've been informed by several of my personal staff that you have been meeting with Steve constantly throughout the day with no clear instruction or reason. I am a woman Miss Petrov, I am not blind at the subtlety flirtatious suggestions you've thrown at Steve. The constant smirks, the soft whispers here and there. I suggest it all to stop before I am forced to make a more permanent and radical decision" Peggy replies bitterly while placing her hands on my chair and leaning towards me to make direct eye level contact with me.
"As you've mentioned before, this appears to be a personal concern, that more properly applies to both you and Mister Rogers. I have no interest in indulging in any sort of romantic entanglements with anyone. I am here because my general instructed me to be so. We're at war. The last thing I'm thinking of is trying to steal someone else's men. If this is all you'd like to discuss. I am requesting permission to return back to training" I said firmly and politely.
"Very well Miss Petrov. You may return back to training" Peggy replied standing up and returning to her chair.
"Good day Miss Carter" I replied glaring at her.
"Good day Miss Petrov" Peggy replied sharply in a formal manner before I closed her door shut.
As I was walking down the corridor I noticed Steve talking to some of his solder friends. I walked passed him and sight made eye contact with him to signal for him to follow me.
As soon as he approached me I whispered
"We need to talk" I said firmly and Steve nodded in agreement.
"No kidding" Steve replied in mutual understanding
Hello beautiful family,
There will be several parts to this story. As you can tell I'm horrible at doing one shots. So instead of being one shots, they sectioned into individual short stories with different titles.
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Bree 🤎🤎🤎

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