The Prom- kurroxkenma

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a/n- i recently watched the prom and this is sort of based of my reactions watching it. SPOILER ALLERT. trigger warning- slight homophobia 

As the couple scrolled through netflix trying to find something to watch on a cold winters evening they came across a movie called 'the prom'. "how about this?" Kuro asked his partner. Not really caring Kenma agreed as kuro pressed play.

As the movie went on the boys could feel their hearts breaking for this fictional character. they new how hard it was to be gay with people who are still 'old fashioned' and they knew how harsh kids could be. As the song 'dance with you' played they watched the actresses play characters who fell in love in a cruel world. They looked at each other and Kenma moved towards his boyfriend seeking comfort. 

Unruly heart starts playing, Kenma shedding tears. He knew what it was like to have parents who chose to stop loving him because he was gay, he knew that kids weren't always the nicest towards him because of something he couldn't change. As the lyrics started 'I tried to change, thinking how easy life could be.' He knew how it felt being in that place. Despite the story being fictional, his one wasn't. They was similar (apart from the Broadway stars helping). 'We had to hide' both of them knew how it felt having to hide the person they love because of ignorant people. But then the positive 'I'm who I am,  and I think that's worth fighting for' they knew the fight they have to go through every day  just to be who they are. But there is always a rainbow at the end of the storm. 

Kuro noticed his boyfriends silent tears and held him closer. He knew the struggle. He understood how much his boyfriend was scarred from his past. But he was always there, always.

'Its time to build a prom for everyone, show them all it can be done, if music blares and no one cares, who your unruly heart loves.'

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