part one • campfire

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   "y/n! come over here!" your boyfriend, kim jonneyun, calls for you as he and his friends gather around the campfire.

   it is your first time hanging out with jonneyun's friends and you are shy. you put on a smile and walk over to the group of young adults, plopping down beside your boyfriend.

the midnight sky reveals scattered stars that reflect off of the ocean; you have always loved the beach, but even more so at nighttime.

"everyone, this is y/n." jonneyun wraps his arm around you, introducing you to his friends.

"this is the famous girl you've been telling us about!" one of the girls smiles to me, holding her dark haired boyfriend closely at her side. "i'm diana, and this is my boyfriend, jungkook."

the two smile towards you, and diana looks to the rest of the group, indicating for more introductions. there is another couple beside them, which seem happy to meet you as well.

"hi, y/n! i have been asking jonneyun when you'd be coming around. i'm glad you could make it!" the girl smiles towards me. "i'm mia-" she bumps elbows with her significant other playfully.

the guy smiles to me, "i'm taehyung, it's a pleasure to meet you."

you nod nervously, "same here."

"and this, y/n, is my best friend jimin and his lovely date, bea." jonneyun smiles at his friend whom simply stares at you without saying anything. you find that out of all the men here, jimin is the most attractive.

you tear your gaze away from his and smile at his date, bea, who smiles back at you shyly. "it's nice to meet you, y/n."

her voice is high pitched and annoyingly cute.

"let's eat, shall we?" taehyung stands up, holding out a hand for mia to grab onto. diana grabs jungkook's wrist and forces him to his feet, "yes, food sounds good right about now."

jonneyun pats your knee, "i can get your food for you, what do you want?"

"just get me whatever you are getting." you say quietly, relieved that you don't have to move. bea looks to jimin, but he shakes his head to her. you watch as his date walks off to the rest of the group to fix herself something to eat.

"you aren't going to eat?" you question aloud, giving jimin a short lived smile.

he stares at you intensely, "i'm not hungry..."

you decide to try and make conversation instead of letting the silence flood through the air. "so... the beach looks nice tonight."

jimin nods and you can still see him staring at you from your peripheral vision. "it looks like we should go for a swim."

you look to him again, confused as to why he would just want to swim with you, "what?"

"after everyone gets done, we should all take a dip." jimin shrugs before finally ripping his dark eyes off of you to examine the ocean.

you nod to yourself, listening to the waves clash against the shore.


you gasp and jump slightly at the same time as your boyfriend scares you. he laughs loudly, "i got you something to eat."

you take your plate from him and scoff, "don't scare me like that..."

the rest of the crowd returns and everyone makes small talk as they eat. diana was talking about how her and jungkook went overseas for vacation a few weeks ago. mia began telling everyone about how her and taehyung are planning on moving into a new house across town. everyone seemed to have such good news except for you, jonneyun, bea, and jimin.

all eyes are on you and jonneyun as he speaks up, "i think y/n and i should go on vacation soon too, or maybe move in together." he looks to you with hope in his eyes. "doesn't that sound nice?"

you try to smile in the moment, but it really didn't sound too nice. you and him have only been together for a month, and for the most part, all he talks about is how successful he is. other than the fact that you like him, there isn't much glue holding the two of you together enough to make a big move like that just yet...

"you guys should totally move in together, it would be good for you!" mia smiles to you.

you shrug, "i don't know..."

bea finally speaks up after not having anything to say about her or her relationship.

"i think moving in together is a big choice, you should think it over first. you guys are so new, you need to take one step at a time."

you actually like her advice more than you thought you would. jonneyun holds you tightly, giving you a kiss on the cheek, "she is right, we will take one step at a time."

after everyone is done eating, diana raises an eyebrow to the group. "anyone down for a swim?"


if you didn't think of spongebob and the campfire song the very beginning, stay off my line. 😂😂


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