Idk what to name this one

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Scrapbaby, molten Freddy, and lefty silently made their way to scraptrap's room. They slowly opened the door as it creaked. They were at a standstill as they watch scraptrap slightly squirm around in his bed. Each step they took, scraptrap moved. They were starting to get the feel that he was aware of what they were doing. They gathered around his bed and then...

"WAAKKEE UUUPPP!!!" They yelled as scraptrap squealed and fell face-first off of his bed, hitting the floor pretty hard. He laid there for a few seconds then sat up. His nose started gushing blood. "OH SHIT!" Molten Freddy said as he ran to the bathroom to go get scraptrap some tissue. "WE'RE SO SORRY!" Scrapbaby yelled as scraptrap walked towards molten freddy to get the tissues he got him. "N-n-no It's o-ok!" Scraptrap blurted out as tears welled in scrapbaby's eyes. He wiped his nose. "S-see? I'm f-fine!" Scraptrap said as he attempted to state it reassuringly.

Scraptrap x molten Freddy tingz Where stories live. Discover now