Chapter 27 (END) : I love you, Didi

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"XIAO ZHAN!" I was taken aback. The familiar voice I've been longing to hear. I slowly faced him, praying that this is not a dream. I gulped as I slowly turn to face him.

It's really is him. I don't know what to do. My feet are glued, my feet won't move. I'm statued. My heart is thumping wild. I can't breathe properly.

There he is, standing meters away from me. Holding his helmet. Even this far I can see his sad eyes with full of tears. As I faced him, he dropped his helmet and he ran as fast as he could, reaching towards me and held me by the nape.

"The race is my passion, but you are what I'm dreaming for" He whispered. His forehead is resting on mine as he closes his eyes.

My mouth gaped open, words won't come out of my lips.

"Please don't leave me." He whispered once again. I can feel the sadness in his voice, I hate seeing him suffer like this. I encircled my arms in his nape, pulling him closer as I rest my lips on his.

We were like that for a second but then his hands made it's way to my waist, hugging me tightly. His lips moved, he nibbled my lower lip that made me open my mouth. His tongue made its way inside. Licking every part of my mouth. I gladly accepted it and sucked on his tongue.

Everything around us seems like nothing. I don't care whatever they say. This is our own world.

We gasped for air after a long heated kiss. He rests his forehead on mine, he smiled.

I missed those smiles, the smile that can only be seen when I'm with him. I wiped his cheeks, his eyes are puffy.

"I love you. Go back with me, please." He pleaded. I looked at his eyes, it was full of regret and pain. Tears started falling from his eyes again, so do I.

I was about to answer when "Flight xxx is boarding from airport xxx" I looked up and listened intently.

I looked at him again and smiled. "There goes my flight." I chuckled with tears in my eyes.

He closed his eyes and rest his head on my shoulder. I patted his head. He looks like a baby.

I wiped my tears, "I love you too" I whispered just beside his ear. His ears turned red, cute.

"You won't leave me any more?" He sulked. He's acting cute, he doesn't know that's my weakness. arrrgh!

I tittered and immediately cupped my mouth. Oops, looks like he heard me.

He backed away but still holding me by the waist. His brows met as he looked at me intently in the eye. Aw, His eyes looks tired from that crying.

"What's funny?" he pouted.

I bit my lip as I hold my laugh. HE'S TOO CUTE!

"What?" he is getting impatient, he's looking at me with a puzzled face.

"N-nothing..pft" I held back.

Still, in his pouting lips, he pinched my cheeks that made me whine. "Okay! okay! I surrender, just not my cheeks. ow ow ah"

"Tell me then why are you laughing? hmp." He sulked, he's still pouting. so cuuuute!

"let go first~" I whined in pain. He let go of my cheeks and I caressed it. It hurts huhu

I pecked on his lips and smile, "You're so cute" I giggled. Now his cheeks are flushed red.

"N-no I'm not!" He raised his voice and turned his back at me but never let go of my hand.

He's acting cute, he doesn't realize it himself. I chuckled.

We started walking hand in hand when I saw the helmet he dropped. I run towards it, dragging him with me. We reached the helmet, I picked it up and handed it to him. He looked at me with his puzzled face.

"Let's go home." I gave him an eye smile as we walked to his motorbike.


We arrived at our house, I am telling myself back then that I will never step to this house ever again, But guess fate does not want us to be apart.

He held on my waist as we look around our home. Then I looked at him and he looked back at me. I gave him a bright smile and a peck on his lips.

"Let's live, for better and for worse" I whispered, enough for him to hear.


"So how's your race today? Why did you ditch it for me?" I asked. I'm resting between his legs for a while now while drinking boxed drinks. We're outside the apartment, in the garden. We laid a blanket on the grass as we watch the clouds move.

"I don't wanna lose you, aaand I'm planning to retire soon anyway." He simply said.

I jolted and looked at him. "WHAAAAAT??? Why did you even do that, Idiot?" I raised my voice at him.

"I realized, you're more precious than any race." He shrugged and sipped on his drink.

I hit him on his chest, but not that hard to hurt him.

"Idiot!" I scowled at him.

He threw the empty boxed drink and smiled, he pulled me closer. He gave me a quick passionate kiss as he held me by the nape.

Then he pulled away and I just pouted and rest my back on his chest.

"But seriously, Bodi baobao. You don't need to quit racing, it's your passion." I said and pierce another boxed drink, since I finished the other one.

Yibo did not answer, he just caress my hair, "I will support you no matter what, now that I've known that you can prioritize me than that. I love you so much." I said. I don't care if he answers, I just want him to know that I want him to be happy without quitting what he loves.

He lift my chin and turn it towards him. "I love you more." He whispered and sealed my lips with a kiss.

This man is what I'm living for. We may face many challenges, I won't give him up anymore. I won't run away again, I will fight for my love, no matter what.

He pulled away. I rest my chest on his and intertwined my fingers with his and stared at it. Looks like this finger needs a ring. Smiled to myself, I will never ever let go of this hand again. He smiled at me, I can see the love in his eyes.

I let go of his hand and cupped his face gently, resting the tip of my nose to his.

He hugged my waist tight, I feel so secure with this arms. I closed my eyes as I can feel his heartbeat, its thumping fast just like mine.

"I love you, Didi. I will always be." I whispered and rest my chin on his chest as we stare at each other.

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