Chapter 3: Strange

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Another morning, I'm walking with Yibo in going to school. Almost every day.

"Zhan ge, I have a practice today. I will not be accompanying you for a while." Yibo said with a hint of sadness in his tone. I, too, felt a sting in my heart, he won't be going home with me for some time. I sighed silently and composed myself, instead of being sad, I should encourage him more.

I patted his head that made him glare at me, I immediately remove my hand and chuckled. "Sorry, haha." I apologized, I gave him a brotherly smile, "It's okay, it's your dream anyway. You should give your best and be the best racer when the time comes." I reassured.

He gave me a faint smile, "I will, Zhan ge"

My brows met, "Why the long face? Cheer up! When you become the best racer, you can always ask me to go with you wherever you go. I'll always support my didi." I reassured and gave him a bright smile.

He looked at me and gave me a wide smile, "I'll do my best Zhan ge. That's a promise, okay!" he cheered.

I shook my head, this kid loves sticking to me. Well, I always become his guardian whenever his parents were not around. And most of the time, his parents are not home. I smiled at myself and looked at the road ahead of us. He's finally reaching for his dream.


I entered my next class, Yibo enters this class. Hm, did he excused himself already for practice?

As I enter, I laid my laptop on the table and set my presentation.

In the middle of the discussion, I felt an unusual stare. Well, I'm teaching so it's normal for my students to be staring at what I'm explaining. But I feel different, I looked at the students and there's nothing unusual at their stares since they are focused on the lesson. I shrugged and continued my explaining. But it's so uncomfortable, I looked at them again and traveled my eyes, then it caught my attention. Yibo is at the middle row sits, looking at... me? why is he looking at me? Or it's just my eyes tricking me?

He must be listening intently, I shrugged again and continued what I'm doing.

After a couple of minutes, the bell rang, indicating it's their next class.

"Well, if you have a question you can come see me in the faculty room. And remember to review what you have learned, I will be giving you a short quiz about this next meeting." I said and fixed my glasses.

Everyone stood up when I finished what I said.

As I fixed my things, a group of three girl students approached me. "Mr. Xiao, I have a query in this part." one of them said and leaned close so she can let me see what's troubling her.

"Oh that part, look at page 188 and you can find there how you can solve that. When you still not get it, come to the faculty room so I can explain." I said and smiled at them. There it is again, the uncomfortable stare from someone. I looked around but there's already no one in the room except me and these three students. That's weird.

"Mr. Xiao, is everything okay?" Asked the other student.

I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile, "Ah yes! By the way, you have another class after me, right? You should get going now." I said and held my things.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao." They said in unison. I walked pass by them then turned to face them.

"If you need help again, come to the faculty," I said and waved goodbye at them.

"Yes Mr. Xiao, thank you." They said in unison and went out of the room after I left.


I stretched my arm above my head. my work today is done again. But it reminded me that Yibo's not going home with me today. I sighed heavily, the thought just made me tired even more.

hays, I should get going now, there's no one waiting for me today.

"Mr. Xiao" someone spoke, I looked who it was and it was Ms. Lee.

"Yes, Ms. Lee?" I asked.

She smiled at me, "Can I treat you some coffee today? It's for thanking from yesterday. It was a huge help." She said.

Smiled at her, I feel hesitant. Should I refuse? It's not like there's someone waiting for me. Hm, I should accept, since I'm not hanging out with anyone that often. Only Yibo, but since in his practice, that won't hurt killing just a little time.

"Sure, I'll be quick. I'll just fix my things." I said and started fixing my things.

After finishing, we went out of the faculty room.

"Mr. Xiao, you just got out now?" Mr. Jiang a fellow professor, asked.

"Ah, yes Mr. Jiang, why?" I asked confused.

"The kid you're always going home with, he was here a moment ago." He said that made me travel my gaze.

"But he left already, I thought he's waiting for you." He said.

"He said he has a practice today," I said still confused.

"Must be checking you if you got home before he goes to his practice." He said and shrugged.

I smiled, "Maybe." I answered.

"You're really close with that kid, you always go to school and go home together," he said that made me chuckle.

"Well, we're friends since he was six, and I sometimes become his guardian." I chuckled as I think about how I used to look after him.

"You're really close. By the way, you going somewhere?" Mr. Jiang asked.

"We'll go to the nearby café to have some coffee before going home, want to come along Mr. Jiang?" Ms. Lee asked.

"Sure! Wait for me for a sec" He said and went to get his bag.

We watched him until he finishes fixing his things. After waiting, we went to have some coffee in a nearby café and talked about different things.


Picture source: Pinterest

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