Chapter 9: Sleepless Nights

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After that incident, I never came to my classes that morning. I spent my morning at the infirmary, using my headache as an excuse. Then when noon came, I went on my two remaining classes in the afternoon. I never saw Yibo, and it's better that way.

After my last class, I immediately excused myself and went home, even if it's not yet dismissed time. I just said, I'm not feeling well to my colleagues and they wish me to get well soon, I just gave them a bright fake smile and went out of the place.

I don't want him to accompany me home, let alone see his face. I feel nauseous just by thinking about him. I went home early, in able to not see him. Probably, he's been waiting for me outside the faculty. I shook my head, let him be.

I don't know what this thing about but there's a pang in my heart, it keeps hurting. Like it's been squeezing tight.

As I enter my room, my things immediately fell out of my hands. My body weakens immediately, I crash myself on the bed. I sighed as I remove my coat, lazily.

I sighed heavily, I should take my shower first. I slowly stood up and grabbed my towel.

After entering my bathroom, I immediately open the shower. Without undressing, I stood there, soaking myself with the cold water that's running out of the shower nozzle.

I stood there dazed. My mind can't think straight. It went blank all of a sudden.

The cold water is running down my body, the sound of the water is the only thing that my mind is processing right now. Then I felt a warm liquid run down my cheeks, mixing with the cold water.

My knees are getting weak, and without realizing I slump on the bathroom floor. I hugged my knees, I never felt this way before. So all of this is still foreign to me, it's all unknown.

I've been hugging my knees for about an hour, I decided to stand up. I removed my drenched clothes and grabbed my towel. I went out of the bathroom. My eyes are all puffy.

I was out when I heard mom call me from outside my room. "Son! Yibo is looking for you. Are you there?" She asked.

I kept quiet at first, hesitating if I should answer or not.

I sighed, "Tell him I'm tired." I answered faintly but enough for mom to hear.

"Yibo seems down A'Zhan, whatever the reason that you don't want to see him, please make up with him soon." I can hear the concern in mom's voice. I just closed my eyes and pretended I didn't hear that Yibo is feeling down. That will just make me set aside my unexplained feeling and comfort him instead.

I didn't answer back at her. I just kept quiet and laid on my bed. I heard her footsteps getting away from my room. She must be wondering now why am I acting this way, she knows that whenever Yibo's not feeling well, I would always be on the rescue.

I heave a sigh and reached for my phone, it has twenty-six missed calls and thirty-seven text messages and it's all from Yibo. I need to turn this off too. I turned my phone off and threw it on my bedside table. I need to rest.

As I was closing my eyes, I heard footsteps.

"Son, let's eat dinner." She called out from outside my room.

"I'm not hungry mom" I answered and covered myself with my blanket.

I heard her sigh, "If you're hungry just go downstairs, okay? I cooked your favorite." She said tried cheering me up.

"Yes, mom. Thank you! and I love you." I answered so she won't get worried about me.

I heard her footsteps getting away from my door. I sighed, I don't want to worry mom when she sees me in my eyes all puffy.

I tried closing my eyes, I can't seem to get my sleep. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It's already getting late.

I looked at the clock at my bedside table and it's already eleven twenty-five. I sighed for the hundredth time.


I'm at the school already, I came earlier than usual. I don't want to see Yibo that's why I went early, plus I can't sleep a wink last night.

"Oh, Good morning Mr. Xiao" I heard a voice greet me.

I turned around, It was Ms. Lee. "Oh God! what happened to your eyes, Mr. Xiao? Did you not sleep well?" She has a surprising look on her face.

I nodded and face my table and opened my laptop.

"You should have stayed home if you're not feeling well Mr. Xiao." She said out of concern as she places her things across mine.

"I'm fine," I answered sluggishly.

"If you say so." She answered and put all her things down.


It's time for the first period and I went to the lecture hall.

The hall is fully packed, everyone is on their seats. Well, I can not be all distracted because of that damn thing, I'm a teacher and I need to teach.

I set aside my problems and started lecturing.

After an hour and thirty minutes, the class is done.

As I fix my things, a group of students approached me.

"Uhm, Sir?" They asked.

I looked at them and smiled. "Yes, do you have trouble with the lesson I've given you?" I asked.

"N-no, sir. We're just wondering if you're okay." the other student answered.

I forced a smile, "I'm fine. Don't need to worry." I chuckled and patted her head.

"Then sir, please accept this." another student gave me a box of eye mask.

I chuckled, "No, I'm really fine. You should keep it." I gave her back the box.

"I can always buy some of that sir, so please accept it." She said and handed me the box. She immediately dashes off so I can't return it to her.

I shook my head and looked at the box, might as well use this since it's given to me.

Just then when I was about to fix my things, someone grabbed my arm. I trailed a look, and it was Yibo. Now I feel nauseous again.

I pulled my arm from him and immediately fix my things and ready to dash out of the room.

"Zhan ge!" He called out, which stopped me from my tracks. But then I realized, Why am I stopping? I should get out of here before I get all caught up.

I immediately run out of the room and never looked back.

picture source: Pinterest

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