||Chapter 7 - You, Me and....No Its Just Us! 🤷||

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Naira's POV

We were still in that exact same position for few more seconds. KG was holding me and I was staring blankly into his eyes. It was still raining and we were getting drenched in the rain without even realising.

I don't know what magic did his eyes hold, they looked so attractive to me. And if once I got lost in them, there was no coming back. Never did I wonder that a Mafia could have such a shade, that would pull someone towards him. I sensed he was getting awkward so I pushed myself up and stood next to him, lowering my gaze and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Let's go", he said without even looking at me and walked towards the front door. I followed him.

He took out a bundle of keys and twisted one key in the padlock to open the door. We were completely drenched by now. My hair was fully wait. Thank god I wasn't wearing anything transparent otherwise it would've been really awkward and uncomfortable. But he didn't seem to be harmful, yes he was stern - a lot, but still he cared for me.

That's because you're carrying his heir Naira....

My brain told me and I sighed in disbelief. I never knew that this baby chapter would last this long, I was gonna get rid of it this evening and here I am, with the baby daddy! Why is my life so full of drama and twists?

My hair had become wet and there was this issue with me that whenever I wet my hair, I started to sneeze. That's exactly what happened here. I tried to control it as far as I could but there it was-

"Achoo...", I sneezed and felt so embarrassed. KG wasn't affected, he still continued jingling his bunch of keys searching for the right key, looking as focused as ever. It seemed he hadn't visited this farmhouse lately.

"I'm sorry", I apologised, wiping my nose making that irritating mucus sound. I sniffed a few times and opened my watery eyes wide, trying to regain my senses after that sneeze.

I looked around the farmhouse. Though it had remained closed for years, but still everything was maintained perfectly - the lawn, the garden, the swimming pool, the golf course, everything.

"If this is his farmhouse, I wonder how his actual house looks like", I thought in my head.

KG held a key and twisted it in the padlock but still, the lock didn't unlock. I was feeling sorry for him now. He looked frustrated as ever, but still continued the process.

I was looking around his farmhouse, admiring the scenic beauty as it was situated deep inside the woods, so tall pine trees and mountains were visible. I was looking at a cherry blossom in the garden, that again I felt the need to sneeze. I closed my eyes and started lifting my head to sneeze as the tickling sensation ran through my nose.

"Achoo", I sneezed and KG sighed in disbelief as his another try at unlocking the door failed.

I was feeling so awkward....

I suddenly started envying the people who could sneeze without making a sound, like sneeze so secretly, unlike me who notified the whole universe that I'm gonna sneeze now so stay wherever the hell you are.....the earth is gonna shake!

"I'm sorry", I murmured softly, looking down at the polished floor.

Agree or not....

Sneezing in front of a stranger is embarrassing.

KG held the last key in his hand and looked at it hopefully. Even I prayed for him as he was in a great trouble. He inserted the key in the padlock that I sneezed again.

"Achoo...", I sneezed and the lock clicked and the door unlocked. KG sighed in relief and took a step back.

"I'm so-", I started to apologise but KG interrupted me.

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