t h i r t y t w o

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I was certain that this day could not get any more worse. 

But the universe proved me wrong once again. Shocking. 

Bumping into Minhyun in the hallway as I was miserably crying my eyes out might have a silver lining after all. If it wasn't for his help, I would have stuck myself in a hole and stay there forever. I had this whole 'the world is against me' scenario in my head. I was wallowing in self pity.

Then, I met his Seonho. 

God, I was so self-absorbed. 

"Anyways, how did you become friends with my hyung?" Seonho asked, finishing his ice-cream bar. It had slightly melted but the taste was just as good, according to him. 

I paused to recall back. "Art class, I guess? Oh, common friends."

Seonho nodded as if he understood, "Interesting. Did you had a hard time reaching out to him? He's not exactly the friendly type."

"I mean, it was difficult at first. I couldn't even get a single sentence out of him without initiating the conversation."

"Right? I was seriously concerned that he wouldn't have any friends at the university!"

"Good thing my friends and I were stubborn enough to bring him out of his shell," I giggled, amused with Seonho enthusiam. Somewhat, he reminded me of a younger brother. I remember prayed for one when I was a kid but it never happened.

"I have you to thank for that, noona." He beamed gratefully. 

Minhyun was not kidding when he said Seonho was a persistent kid. I honestly thought he would be similar to Minhyun in a way; quiet, calm and albeit indifferent. Turns out the kid is the polar opposite of his cousin. He is playful and humorous, although Minhyun reprimands him from time to time, but he is bursting with so much life.  

 "Again, I am still here," Minhyun waved his hand as if he was an invisible force, absent to the naked eye. 

"Yes, yes, hyung. Thanks for the ice-cream. And for bringing the beautiful Danri here to keep me company. You're the best!" 

Who knew? The dull and shy Minhyun had an adorable younger cousin? Their dynamic was endearingly wholesome. The kind that made me wish I had a younger brother or sister with me. Also the kind that made me feel lonely inside and question if I have someone with the same connection as the both of them.  

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay?" Seonho eyes were glinting in demand. I fought the urge to laugh. I've never seen someone looked deadly serious about ice-cream. Not even me. 

Before I could swear on my life, Minhyun took the words right out of my mouth.

"Don't worry, she won't be telling anyone." He assured his younger cousin. "No one exactly wants to buy an ice-cream next to a morgue." 

"And that's why I ask you to do it, hyung." Seonho giggled quietly. Ah, I see. This is what Minhyun meant by him being different. 

Minhyun pretended he never heard what he heard and remained indifferent. As always. I wonder if I could do the same thing. Be indifferent and not care about anything else. It's difficult to admit these revelations to ourselves because we cannot accept it. We refuse to acknowledge the truth; that we care. We care a little too much for our good. 

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