Dangerous decisions - Fanfic 10

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It was Sunday and the day had dawned beautiful, the sun came in through the window of the couple's bedroom and reminded them that soon everyone at 19 would arrive for a Sunday morning with friends, as there were times when they couldn't stop to enjoy themselves. Andy got up quickly from the bed and smelled the delicious smell of food that Sullivan prepared for lunch while taking his bath to go down and be ready to receive his friends. When he came down the stairs he received a message from Meuri, "Send me good energy, my boyfriend is already arriving and my jealous sister has a knife in her hand (laughs), good lunch for you! ".

- Good morning love, said Andy receiving a kiss from his husband. Meuri sent a message asking for good energy, is going to introduce her boyfriend to the family ... that police officer she met a few months ago.

- Miller called, said he and Thalia will not be able to come, Pru spent the whole night awake with the flu, he will stay with her and I asked him to send news. Said Sullivan.

- I hope they are not naked, Maya said already invading the house. Should they lock the door, what if I were crazy?

- You are crazy, Jack said as he and Joe entered directly behind Maya.

- Helping to load the beers nobody helps! Now it's time to drink! Travis came in with Emmett carrying the beers.

- Did you get Vic's message? Sullivan asked. She warned that she is not coming, said that her boyfriend is not in the mood to come and that's why she prefers not to come too.

- I am extremely worried about Victoria. She doesn't go out without her boyfriend anymore, she doesn't even wear the same clothes, her mood is very affected, he controls her all the time, this is visible.

- We tried to talk to her and she didn't like it. Usually these abusive guys make themselves perfect, they make women believe that they love her and that they are just protecting her, they start to create such an emotional dependence within the relationship that the victims believe they cannot live without them and that he is perfect for her. They start to control their clothes, their friends, ask for their cell phone password, start to distance themselves from their friends and often it is not noticed, the end of this cycle is extremely tragic. Andy reported.

- We will not leave Victoria alone, I will try to talk to her again. Travis said.

While everyone was sitting and getting their beers, Jack started talking.

- Since we're talking about relationships, let's talk about good things. I know you will be scared but ... Jô and I are together. He said kissing his girlfriend tenderly and holding her hand.

Everyone's face was startled. Nobody was understanding anything. Nobody had noticed anything because everyone was completely absorbed in their own problems and their own lives without realizing what was happening in front of their eyes. Questions like: "Since when?", "How come I didn't understand? , "Please explain this to me" took care of the circle of friends who were sitting comfortably in the room.

- I'll tell you. On the day of the call at the airport Jack took a beautiful one out of Ana, and was apparently shaken. As a good friend, I realized and we started talking and arranged to have fun at the bar so that he could forget a little about the fireman who touched his heart. Conversation goes, conversation comes, we realized that we had a lot in common and we started to get closer. That night we were just good friends, I went through a lot in the past relationships but ... I still can't talk about it. Joe paused. After our meeting at the Bar, we started to talk a lot and we spent almost every break together and realized that in addition to friendship, love was being born. I was very reluctant, I thought I would never fall in love again ... Jack has helped me overcome many things and is making me believe in things again. I know it's only been three weeks but we've spent a lot of time together since that day. We are getting along and we really like each other. Jo said, his eyes shining.

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