Between two world - Fanfic 15

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The sound of the gunshot frightened residents and civilians passing by. Meuri, still crouched behind the car, could not understand what had happened, she was trying to see if someone had been hit while trying to protect herself, she was terrified that Victoria might have been the target of the shot, and she was afraid to look and find the dead friend, the dread was so great, that it made her dizzy and completely aimless, she couldn't lose her friend much less Sophia, just thinking about that possibility made her stomach turn.

The noises of the police shouting for the gun to be placed on the floor mixed with the sirens of the approaching ambulance, it was all very confusing and tragic.

- Meuri can come! Igor said, raising Meuri who was behind the car.

- My God what happened! Who shot? Where's Vic? Where's Sophia? Meuri asked Igor a lot of questions while looking with eyes to spot Victoria in the middle of the police rush.

- They are fine! Victoria would be murdered if I hadn't shot! He was about to pull the trigger when I realized I shot him in the leg so that she could get out of this guy's clutches, I know it was a risky attitude, but if he hadn't, Vic would be dead by now. Igor explained.

Meuri couldn't believe it, what she and her friends feared most happened, Daniel even went so far as to attempt Victoria's life. Meuri was scared, but she needed to find her friend and niece immediately.

- My God! Where is she? And where's Sophia? Meuri asked as she ran to see Victoria sitting in the ambulance being attended by paramedics.

- Vic! Vic! I'm here, stay calm! It's all right! Now everything is fine! Meuri hugged Vic to cry inconsolably.

- I should have listened to you and seen the signs of this abusive relationship! He could have killed me! Or killed Sophia! Meuri forgives me for putting Sophia at risk! When I realized he was in the kitchen I only thought about Sophia, but as she is a very smart girl, she hid and called for help. Meuri, I didn't think he would reach that point, forgive me, call Travis for me, I need him! Vic felt terrible.

- It's all right! You were a victim! A victim! They won't let me in the house to pick up Sophia because she was at the crime scene, but Igor has already picked her up! It's gonna be okay! You were very brave to protect Sophia, now it's over, everything is fine, let's take care of you! Meuri consoled her friend who showed despair.

Meuri hugged Vic while looking directly at the front door of the house, the seconds she waited to see Sophia leaving safe and sound was like hours, her aunt / mother's heart was pounding and her glassy eyes were just waiting to catch sight of little Sophia who soon would go out that door.

Finally she can see. Sophia left completely safe in Igor's lap, the little girl's frightened look sought out her aunt among all the people who gathered around the crime scene. When she saw her aunt, she jumped from Igor's lap and ran towards Meuri.

Meuri also ran towards the little one and soon knelt down to receive her in his arms, that hug was unique and relieving. Their racing hearts clashed with that strong embrace.

- I'm fine, aunt, I'm fine, I asked for help as Mom always taught me! Sophia said looking at Victoria.

- Aunt Vic! It's okay, don't cry, I'll take care of you! Sophia climbed onto Vic's lap that held her tight.

- We found more weapons, ropes, equipment that could possibly be used for a kidnapping followed by death, if Sophia hadn't called quickly to ask for help, possibly the ending would be tragic. Arthur Meuri's ex boyfriend said approaching both.

- How long Arthur! Meuri said wryly.

- He has been in the police for assaulting his wife and pedophilia, I thought it was strange not to try to take Sophia along. He had been on the run for months, now that we got him, he had been behind bars for a long time and will face the death penalty. Arthur completed.

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