Chapter 26

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*Angie's P.O.V *

When I got to the hospital they didn't let us in. I tried being patient but I just couldn't . I was so scared. After a few hours, a doctor came and said "FAMILY OR FRIENDS OF AUSTIN MAHONE!" We all stood up. "Austin is fine and he will need to stay in the hospital for a couple of days maybe weeks but he is fine."

"Thank God"

"Oh Good"


"I knew he was brave"

That's all we heard everyone say.

"Now I need Angie, Alex, Robert, & Zach to follow me please. Austin wants to see you all." the doctor said.

We followed quietly. When we got there I saw Austin smiling and I suddently started to cry while I ran to him and hugged him .. not as tight thought because of his arm.

"Aww don't cry, I'm fine" Austin said while he wiped my tears.

"I'm so sorry Austin this is all my fault." I said.

"No it isn't." he said while he chuckled.

"She's been saying she's a mess in life" Robert said as he went up to Austin to hug him.

"No Angie dont be saying that. Your not a mess in life. You wouldn't be going through this if Frankie wouldn't have rubbed you in this."

"but its not even that.. its the fact that I hang out with famous people"

"but its not your fault."

I had stopped crying by now and was now smiling. Austin hugged me tightly and we stayed there and talked with him .
//Author's Note//
I finally updated! Thank you guys for reading (:

Giving Up On You (Frankie Gomez Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora