Little Favours Make Me Smile

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Tendou rolled over in his bed to find a more comfortable position, but the cat meowing outside of his window had other plans for him. He groaned and opened his eyes to look at the cat balancing on his windowsill. How did it even get up here? He lived in an apartment. The cat was pitch black with an ear that flopped down over its right eye, making it look like it had bed hair. The cat had a smug expression, and Tendou was convinced the cat had woken him up on purpose. It had the same grin that a boy - whom he played volleyball against back in high school - used to have. With his phone screen displaying 11 am, he decided to finally get out of bed; it was Friday, and he had University classes starting at 1.

He swung his legs over the side of his bed, and panic spiked through him as he strategically landed his feet on either side of a little pot sitting on the floor, "WAKATOSHI, YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE A CACTUS ON THE FLOOR BESIDE MY BED!". He bent over to pick up the little succulent, and Ushijima poked his head out from around the corner. Tendou looked at him like he was stupid and pointed to the spiked plant in his hand.

"I bought you a cactus", said Ushijima plainly.

"Me? You're the yeehaw boy in this house". Tendou looked at the plant. It was pretty; a deep green abundant with small little white spikes. The cactus was small and skinny, and still very young. Tendou barely took care of himself, he made a little bet with himself that the plant would be dead in a month.

Ushijima walked into the room and started picking up Tendou's clothes from off the floor, "Yeah, it reminded me of you, lanky, dangerous, and in need of a friend". Tendou shot his roommate a deadly look and cupped the pot in his hand carefully. He looked around the room for a place to put the cactus, but his window faced another building, and not much sunlight came in, especially on cloudy days like today.

He turned to Ushijima, who was now walking out of the room with hands full of clothes to wash, "Can I keep it in your room? Mine doesn't get enough sunlight for a cactus". Ushijima nodded, and Tendou stood up from his bed to walk to the room next to his.

Ushijima's room was bright, since the man always kept his blinds wide open for the rest of the plants in the room. Tendou walked over to the window above Ushijima's bed, and stood on the mattress so he could carefully place the plant on the windowsill. He looked at it proudly, before softly humming to himself in thought. The plant wouldn't get enough air, he decided. The soft crackle of a window opening and the feeling of cool air rushing in left Tendou satisfied with himself. He felt thoughtful and contemplated if maybe the cactus would live even longer than a month.

He walked out to the kitchen where Ushijima was softly sipping on his coffee mug, which he held with two hands. Tendou wondered how someone so strong, powerful, and blunt could ever look as soft as he does right now. Ushijima smiled as he noticed Tendou, and he pointed to the second coffee mug sitting on the counter top. Tendou felt his heart flutter at how kind and genuine the smile was, and he cheerfully grabbed the coffee, Levi Ackerman style (the only correct way to hold cups and mugs).

"Hey Toshi-kun", Ushijima gave a small nod towards Tendou for him to continue. "If I cut off my leg and swung it at you, am I hitting you or kicking you?". Ushijima stood blanked face for a few seconds, before standing up straight with a puzzled look on his face.

Ushijima placed his mug down on the counter top and looked intensely at his red-haired friend, "Tendou, what the fuck". Tendou smiled cheekily and took another sip of his coffee, keeping eye contact with Ushijima, awaiting a response. The taller boy then remembered that his roommate was borderline insane and wouldn't say anything until he got a response, "Well, I think you'd be emotionally scarring me more than anything". Tendou let out a satisfied laugh and finished off the last of his coffee. He placed the mug in the sink and left without another word, heading towards the shower.

The hot shower steamed up the bathroom, and Tendou wrapped a towel around himself once he was done. He walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, where he found a set of clothes sitting on his bed, which was now made. He picked up the clothes and found that they were warm. He smiled, Ushijima had picked out an outfit for him and put it in the dryer to warm it up for him, and then came in here to make his bed. Tendou felt spoiled, a giddy sensation filling him as he got dressed for his university classes.

He packed his bag and headed towards the front door, where he found Ushijima already putting on his shoes. The two of them left for their classes together.

This one's dedicated to chuleima who asked for more ushiten fluff with our big boy Ushijima being as clueless as always! Hope you like it, theres more chapters to come!

ALSO Wow already on 500 followers? This is mental. I'm glad so many people are enjoying my stories, I do it for you!! AND my bokuaka is about to hit 100k reads and 4k votes? Insanity. It genuinely doesn't feel real. I can't even imagine 4k people, i think in my life i have talked to like MAX 1000 people EVER.

Im S H O O K

Today's reminder is to eat a vegetable, and to express your love for something, anything. Liked someones comment? Tell them how funny it was! Loving someone's hair in their recent social media post? Let them know!! Keep compliments specific (not to a creepy degree though), trust me, they're more likely to remember the time someone said they have fun poses or photographic hair than someone who just commented "Prettyyyyyy queen". Let's all have a little fun seeing people get giddy over compliments!!!!

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