Surprisies and Shocks

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A fussing behind him was woke Tendou up the next morning. The absence of warmth on his back left a longing, but he was grateful that it didn't lead to an awkward morning situation. He rolled over onto his back to see what Ushijima was doing.

His roommate was already dressed, but he was sitting on the bed beside him, leaning against the bed frame. A quick glance at the clock told him it was 9 am - two hours later than the time Ushijima usually got up. He noticed Tendou had woken up, and looked away from the book he was reading to watch Tendou rub the sleep from his eyes, "It's nine. You should shower and get ready for today", he said, putting his book mark on the page before placing the novel beside him.

Tendou complained, "I don't wanna get up, I had such a good sleep, my body feels so relaxed right now". He wondered if it was because Ushijima was there beside him.

As if reading his thoughts, Ushijima replied, "Maybe it's because we slept together".

"I don't think that sounds like how you meant that to sound" said Tendou, holding back a giggle.

"What did it sound like?"

"I- Just don't go around telling people we... slept together".

Ushijima was as clueless as ever, "I don't want to lie".

"Please lie", begged Tendou.

"Fine, I trust you to know the language of the youth", said Ushijima as he swung his legs off the bed and got up.

"You're barely 20".

Ushijima ignored Tendou's logic and told him to get ready for the day once more, reminding Tendou that the red head had work later today. Tendou refused to get up, and shook his head in protest. Ushijima stood to think for a second, "I'll shower you then". Ushijima picked Tendou up from the bed as if he weighed nothing, and swiftly swung him over his shoulder.

Tendou was rendered almost speechless by his actions once more, "I-I What is happening right now?! This is something you see cringe couples do when they're dating!" He gently beat Ushijima's back with his fists in defiance. Ushijima was definitely known to stand out from the normal, with both his words and actions being very blunt, but Tendou didn't expect him to pull something like this.

"Well if you're not going to get ready for work then we're going to have to date so I can shower you", said Ushijima, as if his plan was flawless and completely logical.

Tendou began to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, "You can't just declare you're dating someone!"

Ushijima put him down in front of the bathroom door, "You're the one that said you have to be a couple to shower one another. You set the rules and I agreed"

"That's not how it works!"

And as if Tendou didn't experience enough surprises in the last 24 hours, Ushijima shocked him once more, with a more daring gesture. Tendou felt Ushijima's hands sit on his neck and lower back as the taller boy leaned in to meet his lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to both completely fluster and confuse Tendou, "What the FUCK was that!?"

"I saw it in the movies, that's how you get your partner to shut up. Plus, kissing makes it official. Efficiency is key", said Ushijima, who began reaching for Tendou's shirt, still with the full intention of showering him himself.

"Okay fine I shower on my own!!" He swatted Ushijima's hands away from his shirt.



Ushijima still seemed a little apprehensive, and he stood still for a few moments before making strong eye contact with Tendou, "Do we still date?"

"I-I mean if you want", said Tendou, his body in a continuous fight or flight response.

"I do. Okay, call me if you need help", Ushijima turned for the living room, leaving Tendou standing in front of the bathroom with a million feelings and thoughts running through his mind. Tendou walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, before leaning against the closed door. He couldn't help himself when he burst out into laughter. What the hell just happened?

This is going to make an amazing 'So how did you guys get together?' story, he thought. Maybe he shouldn't get up tomorrow either.

Don't ask what the hell just happened, I don't know either. I can't stop laughing at my own writing. Hope you all enjoyed nonetheless. LMK if you want me to write a fanfiction on any anime for you, i'd be more than happy. Love you all!

Sleeping Issues (Tendou x Ushijima)Where stories live. Discover now