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Classes felt longer than usual for Tendou, especially ever since he and Ushijima started living together. He often found his mind wandering during the classes he was more confident in, thinking about conversations he has had with his roommate, and wondering whether or not Ushijima knew what attraction was. They had been friends for so long that he was scared to ask at this point. Tendou thought it would sound too suggestive if he blatantly asked Ushijima whether or not he liked men.

As he thought, he realised that Ushijima had never mentioned having an attraction to anyone at all. He questioned whether Ushijima even experienced romantic attraction, or if he simply didn't express it clearly enough for Tendou to pick up on. He sighed. Tendou cursed the universe for giving him the ability to think.

His class eventually ended, and he packed his laptop back into his bag. Looking out the window, he realised it was raining, so he looked in his bag to check whether or not he had an umbrella. He came up empty handed, and cursed the universe once more.

*Bzz Bzz*

He picked up his phone, and smiled when he realised "Plant Daddy" was calling him, "What's poppin', Ushi?"

Ushijima assumed that that was a greeting, "I have an umbrella, come to the front gates".

Tendou joked that he was offended, "How do you know I don't have an umbrella? Maybe I'm already on my way home!"

"Because I know you", said Ushijima innocently. It was a simple comment, but Tendou felt butterflies in his stomach from hearing that Ushijima knew him inside and out. He ended the phone call and made his way to the front gate, where his roommate was standing under a little roof the University had for rainy days. Ushijima noticed Tendou walking towards him, and he opened the umbrella, holding it out for his friend.

"It sure is raining cats and dogs isn't it Waka-kun?" said Tendou as he stepped under the umbrella.

"I'm fairly certain it's raining water, Tendou. Are you ill? I heard that the you-know-what virus can cause hallucinations", replied Ushijima. Tendou chose to ignore this one. He didn't have the patience to explain how idioms work today.

They walked home together, being mindful about their wet shoes as they entered their home. Both of them went their separate ways to drop off their bags in their respective rooms.

"NOO!" Boomed a deep voice, making Tendou jump. The red head immediately ran to the room next door, adrenaline rushing through his body. He saw Ushijima on his knees, facing towards the open window, which allowed rain to come through the fly screen and onto the bed below it. Tendou thought back to this morning, when he had left the window open to allow air to enter the room, he felt immense guilt. Ushijima stood up and turned towards the doorway. The first thing Tendou noticed were the tears threatening to spill from Ushijima's eyes - a sight he had never seen, catching him very off guard. Was a wet bed really that bad?

The second thing Tendou noticed was the cactus that Ushijima was clutching desperately in his hands and staring at intently. The panic in Tendou abruptly stopped. Sure, didn't expect the cactus to only live for a day, but, in their almost-five years of friendship, the only incidence that has brought Ushijima even close to tears, was a wet cactus. He suddenly became very aware that he was living with a big, strong, intimidating baby.

"It's a plant, Wakatoshi" he said plainly. But, when Ushijima's expression didn't change, Tendou decided he would have to take his mind off of the over-watered cactus, since it clearly meant a lot to him. With a quick Google search on his phone, Tendou took the cactus into his own hands. Ushijima followed Tendou to the kitchen, where Tendou drained any excess water in the pot, and then took the plant out of the pot along with the soil. He grabbed some cinnamon from their spice rack and sprinkled a small amount on the roots of the cactus, before putting the plant back into the pot.

Ushijima shot him a confused expression, and Tendou answered him proudly, "Cinnamon prevents root rot, so if we're lucky, the cactus may live to see another day!" Ushijima immediately perked up, and returned to his usual, straight posture. Tendou wasn't a fan of the straight. "So now that the cactus has returned to us, we're going to have to go out and buy you a new mattress. With that much water in it, it's not worth drying out, it'll end up more of a disaster than Oikawa".

Still a little tired from school, the two of them begrudgingly got ready to drive in the rain to the bed store. Although both of them had their license, Ushijima drove the car most of the time. He was a perfectionist, and had somehow managed to perfect the art of driving. This worked out well for Tendou, who was a disaster gay - although he was legally allowed to drive, he probably shouldn't be allowed on the roads.

It didn't take long to reach the store, and after some perfect parking from Ushijima, they went inside. Tendou immediately went around the store, trying out every mattress in sight while Ushijima reluctantly followed the maniac. After Tendou had exhausted himself, he looked up from his laying position on one of the beds, "What size is your bed? A queen double? What firmness do you want?"

Ushijima nodded, "Queen. My mattress was a firm". They walked up to the counter, where a worker was typing away on the computer.

An exchange of greetings soon lead to the worker searching up whether they had any firm Queen sizes in store, "We have a new shipment of firms coming in on Saturday, but we have some medium firms in store", said the worker. Saturday was 8 days from today.

Tendou turned to Ushijima, "Can't you get a medium firm?".

Ushijima shook his head, "Medium firm wouldn't provide optimal sleeping efficiency. I can wait a week".

"But where will you sleep for the week?"

"With you", said Ushijima, as if it was obvious.

Gay panic took over Tendou, turning him almost speechless, "M-my bed?"

"I know, it will be a     horrible nightmare that seems endless", Ushijima looked away, a deep sadness in his eyes, "but, I have faith that I can endure     sleeping on a soft mattress for a week"

"Hey! My soft mattress is     comfortable unlike your cursed firm mattress" defended Tendou.

Ushijima gestured Tendou up and down, "Your soft mattress is why your posture     makes you look like that".

"Like what?" questioned Tendou, curious to find out how his roommate thought of him.

"An unemployed clown" said Ushijima.

"So that I don't commit homicide in front of this kind worker here, I am going to ignore that", Tendou turned to the employee, and confirmed the order for the firm mattress. Ushijima passed him his card, and with a soft beep, the mattress had been bought. After signing a few papers, they left the store and saw that the rain had finally stopped. Ushijima tossed the car keys to Tendou, who tossed back a questioning expression.

"We're only about 6 km (3.7 miles) from home, I'm going to jog back. I haven't worked out today", said Ushijima as he stretched his legs. Tendou thought he was a freak for willingly wanting to run 6 km, but he nodded, thankful he wasn't asked to join. He got in the car and made his way home, ignoring the beeps of annoyed drivers along the way.

Hey guys, today I found out that KuroKen was originally supposed to be CANNON!!! (I already knew TsukiYama was planned to be real)

The creators have ROBBED US of TWO romances. I cannot believe this.

Sleeping Issues (Tendou x Ushijima)Where stories live. Discover now