- Rekindle -

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Sitting on the floor of my bedroom against my bed. Taking in a big breath and releasing it. I fix the ends of my hair and turn on the camera.

"What's up Halo's, it's me, y/n" I say with less enthusiasm than usual.

"By the title of this video and I guess the notification, I'm going to address some stuff on why I haven't been here for a month" I take a quick glance at the camera then looking up at my window to see the bright sky.

"If you follow me on social media, instagram or twitter I briefly talked about it" I pause "I've taken quite a bit of time and I'm ready to get back to making content again" I smile weakly

"I guess I wanted to explain out loud to myself and you guys, why I've been gone" I take a slow deep sigh "as many of you know, I was in a relationship of almost 3 years" I pause, making sure I won't cry, again.

"We never officialy went public, and neither of us thought it was needed" I sigh "A main reason why we broke up" I use my sleeve to quickly wipe the inner corner of my eye. "we started dating spring of our junior year and we were 16 at the time" I nod my head slowly "a fairly young age and we were teenagers and we were still learning about ourselves and on top of that, another human" I shrug my right shoulder slightly.

"Saying that, an idea was brought up and from there we both wanted to know where would life take us without each other" I pause "I know I will always have love for that boy, he was my happiness and he still is... I'll be very proud on where life takes him and how far he goes" I smile "I guess what I'm trying to say, is that we didn't want to hold each other back and by doing that we needed to let go and now we can freely explore our very young lives and take on this thing called life, peacefully. Figure ourselves out and what I actually want to do in life" I sigh, and brush my hair briefly with my hand.

"Now that some of that is said, I'm not going to talk about it much anymore because for one we didn't even announce it" I shake my head slightly "Although it was pretty much confirmed with all the videos we did" I smiled at the thought.

"I wanted to thank you guys so much for all the love! Seriously thank you, thank you, thank you! I read a bunch of your comments and your support means so much to me" I smile genuinely

"Thank you so much for 1 million subscribers! Thank you so much! I don't know what else to say, you guys literally mean the world. You guys are the light around my world, my halos. Thank you so much! Don't worry I'm going to do something special, but unfortunately because of what I said earlier I'm going to lose some of you guys" I sigh

"I do know that some of you guys were only following me and subscribed because of him, another reason why I wanted to say this so I wouldn't like lead anyone on, I guess" I sigh "this video is going to be a mess but I'm just trying to get to everything that I'm comfortable with sharing"

"I don't want anyone to get any hate because of this, just know that not everything was shared and not everything will be shared" I speak "I really missed you guys, and I'm ready to go back into content. So expect another video soon after this one goes up" I smile

"anyways, I love you guys, you're the light to my life, and have a good day or night" I smile turning off the camera.

"That was good, right?" I mumble "Now to edit this video"

With nothing else to do, I grab my laptop and the SD card that was once in there and start editing the video. When I finished the once bright sky was now a dark one.

One Week Later

Rekindle // D.S.Where stories live. Discover now