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After a longer than expected target trip and most likely the main part of the footage we filmed at my apartment.

I did the nails of crawfords left hand while he did my right. we did a cheesy photo and I posted it on my insta story hinting the video.

he chose my outfit to wear out; black jeans, a white tube top, and a blue jean jacket.

he also attempted to do some makeup on me, it was only counselor, mascara, and a bit of highlighter and he probably succeded because of the few tasks it was and I guided him.

either way he's driving us to the house where we are just going to hang out. to celebrate yet another goodbye to the house.

"Crawford I told you to buy the whiteclaws!"

"I forgot my ID!"

"Well you could've came back and got it" Jc said

"and you look old as fuck" Kian joked

"no he doesn't" Franny laughed "I mean look at his face!"

"dude can't even grow facial hair" Corey teased

"okay, so when did this turn into bullying crawford?" he asks, and receives a few laughs "y/n, back me up here"

a few people looked at me expectantly but I just shrugged

"wow, such a good girlfriend, you have there crawford" Jc laughed

"Huh?!" Franny asked

"Yeah, hold up!" Nezza chimed in

"What the?" Christian questioned along with a few other huhs

I pulled out my camera filming them "we're dating!" I announced and everyone looked even more confused "it's for a video!" I announced and they tilted their hand back in realization.

"bruh, I for real thought we missed out on some stuff" Nezza said


"well I'm still surprised you even thought it was real" I said zooming in on each of them with my camera.

"well I didn't think it was real, I was just confused" Christian said and the others agreed

"yeah, sure" I said, turning off my camera

"okay so since there are people here" jc said "let's go help jc pack" he suggested and made his way to the kitchen to go outside

"Me and y/n helped you all of this morning!" Crawford said

"Erm correction. I helpedped you" I stated

"Yeah Crawford we all now you just went on your phone" Corey said

"Whatever, guess we'll just have like a game night" jc said

"Let's play Mario kart!" Corey answered


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