One Week Later

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Y/n's Pov

Just like I predicted, as soon as the video went up and confirmed that Daniel and I were no longer together. I lost subscribers, lots of them.

I wasn't bothered too much because I wanted my subscribers to be there for me, and not any of my friends or in this case my ex, Daniel Seavey.

I know one day I will get to 1 million and I'm hoping soon because I'm almost there. Just less than 50k away, I hope it's no more than that.

Now that I'm alone in my room. I can think to myself. Of course we didn't want to hold each other back from succeeding in life, but that wasn't the only thing. We also wanted to see where our adult lives would go without any restrictions, if that makes any sense. We needed to grow separately before we grew more together.

I was with him for 2 years and 8 months. Let me say, the 2 years were amazing and I wouldn't change anything about it. The 8 months were just as happy, except that's when the hate started getting much worse.

Saying I was using him for clout, even though I was with him before the band was made. I don't even care about that clout stuff anyways, I'm not that type of person and we both knew that.

They also said I wasn't actually in love with him. To be honest, still to this day I don't know where they got that idea from. All I know and all I know that mattered was we were in love with each other, and I know I will always have love for him.

They said that I was holding him back from his real potential, and that I agreed with to an extent. That was one of the reasons we broke up after all.

The accusations and rumors that were made. Those have a huge impact. Telling me I'm doing something wrong. Saying I can't do this or I'm not suppose to. It was just taken to a whole other level.

That sad part about all the rumors, is they were false. Especially the cheating ones. God, I would never.

Rarely, some other rumors were true but it was taken out of perspective and he always knew I was hanging out with boys. They're just guys. Friends.

The fact I posted videos of us. Automatically opened us to the internet. I just didn't know I had to share everything about our relationship.

Which I didn't and it was too much. All the opinions about my relationship were too much.

At a point, it almost seemed as if I was in two relationships. One presented on media shared with many supporters, and haters and one when it was just us. Our genuine selves.

Either way, I know what happened and I just need to look pass the current hate I'm getting. Focus on myself and what I want to do in my life. That's the main point to this.

Daniel's Pov

It's December, two months ago I was happily in a relationship with the girl of my dreams. Three months forward I'm going to be going on tour, in March.

March would've also been our 3 year anniversary. Why did that talk have to happen? Why couldn't we already know how happy we would be and not have to figure it out?

It's for the best. It's for the best. It's fo- Is it really though?

Gosh, I miss her so much. Last month was so hard, especially when I was cleaning out all of her stuff. Seeing her the way she was when I dropped her stuff off was a terrible sight.

She was wearing black sweatpants, and a grey t-shirt. I don't remember any time in our 5 years of knowing each other she wasn't wearing a color. An actual color. Not just a shade.

Her eyes were swollen and I could tell she was crying. I just wanted to give a her a huge hug and never let go but that's what I did, that's what we did, we let go.

That was a month ago. Do I still miss her? Yeah! But I've learned to accept it and I know we can both go on in life peacefully and happy with ourselves. If fate brings us back, then I'll know.

One Year Later

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