chapter 5

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Betty Cooper
"i kind of miss having Jughead around" i sat in the student lounge were Archie,Cheryl,Toni and Kevin were.

"i miss Veronica" Archie admitted. dammit!

"speaking of them" Cheryl pointed to Jughead and Veronica laughing walking into the student lounge. i looked over to Archie who rolled his eyes.

"hey guys!" Veronica said all happy sitting down across for Archie and I.

"why are you so happy?" Cheryl asked slightly laughing.

"no reason" she grinned.

"V tell us!" i giggled.

"i met this guy called Reggie he's new in school" all of our smiles dropped and we all just looked at each other. "what is some thing wrong?"

"you mean Reggie Mantle the jock that's not new to school and has cheated on every girl he's dated?" Toni said. Veronica gave her a confused look and smiled as someone came through the door.

"hey Veronica!" reggie mantle seriously Veronica. Jughead got up off the couch and ran out of the student lounge. "i'll go check on him" i said.

"Jughead!" he was no where to be seen. i didn't know where to look. SWEET WATER RIVER he goes there when he needs to think or when he's sad.

"Jughead?" he turned around to look who it was.

"what do you want Betty?" he scoffed. jeez jones calm down.

"i wanted to make sure you're okay" i slowly walked closer to him.

"i'm fine!" he yelled.

"Jughead your obviously not okay just talk to me" he started crying i hugged him tight.

"it's Veronica i-i liked her and i even think i loved her and she j-just goes w-with R-Reggie" he loved her i held back my tears.

"hey calm down your going to be okay just take deep breaths"

Jugheads pov

"yes jug"

"i-i love you" why did i say that i don't love her i fucking love Veronica no one can change that!

"i love you too Juggie" she kissed me i kissed back not wanting to but yet i still did it.

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