-----> baku squad

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I throw on my black shorts, (f/c) singlet and a jumper. I swipe my phone and purse to shove into my pockets.

"I'm ready!" I call out to my father.

"Alright let's go."

He drops me off at the mall and tells me to call him whenever you need to be picked up. I walk into the crowded building trying to spot and pink girl. I manage to spot her not too far from me.

"Hey Mina!" I yell out waving my arm. She spots me and drags herself and a boy over.

"Oh, hey Kaminari." I also greet.

"Hey (y/n)." He responds.

"So, who else is coming?" I ask her.

"Didn't you read my whole text? I told you who was coming." Mina whines. I shrug my shoulders.

"Why the fuck is this bitch here?" I heard an all familiar voice call out angrily.

I inhale sharply and turn around with my hands clenched in fists.

"Bakugou. Never thought you were one to hangout with people." I say to him.

"Hey, hey, no need to start insulting each other in the first ten seconds of meeting." Kirishima sweats trying to break us up.

"Well come on, lets get some lunch first, I'm starving!" Mina declares.

Kaminari and Sero both agree and follow Mina. Bakugou trails behind them leaving Kirishima and I at the end of the line.

"You came here with Bakugou?" I ask him.

"No, Sero and I just found him walking here." He responds rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, why did you dye your hair and gel it? I forgot to ask you on the first day." I question.

"Oh, I just thought I needed a change from Middle School, why? Don't you like it?" He asks nervously.

"No, no I actually love it." I reply quickly. He slightly turns his head away from my view. I turn back to look up ahead seeing the four of them have stopped at a sushi place.

"You happy for sushi?" I nudge him looking up ahead.

"Not particularly." He responds. We walk up to the group seeing Kaminari already ordering.

"Hey Mina, Kirishima and I don't feel like sushi, we're heading over there." I tell her pointing at another place.

"That's fine, Bakugou doesn't want sushi so he can go with the two of you." Mina replies shoving Bakugou into our group.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

The three of us walk over and order food from there. Bakugou and I decided to order spicy ramen while Kirishima orders his own meal. We meet up with the others before sitting down and eating our lunch.

"What are we thinking of doing after this?" Sero asks all of us.

"Surely we go down to the arcade." Kaminari suggests. My lips curl up.

"Oh definitely we are going there." I agree.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." Kirishima adds on.

"Great then it's settled!" I say happily finishing my lunch.

The six of us walk down to the arcade area. Many kids were already there playing all the games. The boys drag themselves off to a game while Mina and I find the dancing game in the middle.

"We have to continue this tradition." I tell her placing in money for the game.

"What were the scores again? Twenty-three all?" She second guesses. I nod and let a smirk appear on my face.

"Prepare to get beaten." I say.

"I don't think so!" She barks back.

I let her pick the song we dance to since we alternate who chooses. The songs plays and we both start moving to the coloured dots on the screen and ground. After three minutes when the song ends our scores come up with Mina beating me by a few points.

"Yes! Twenty-four, twenty-three to me!" She squeals happily.

"You have the advantage because you do dance." I respond to her in defence.

We both hop off and look for the boys who are all playing on a car racing game in the corner of the store. We approach them seeing Bakugou winning but Kirishima in a close second.

"Come on Kirishima." I chant him on. The closer the line got, the closer Kirishima got but sadly he fell short and stayed second.

"Great racing." I tell him. "You want to play a zombie game?"

"Hell yeah!" He replies enthusiastically.

We both find a game that involves being in a zombie apocalypse. Our goal is to make it to the lab without being bitten. We both pay and load our game guns ready for battle.

"You ready?"

"Yes, lets go!" Kirishima yells determined.

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