Chapter 10- My adventure with her

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Some Islamic keywords:

Maghreb- A prayer in the evening

Azan- Some verses to call people for coming towards the mosque to pray

Mosque- A holy place where prayer is offered.

Hijab- Piece of cloth worn to cover the female head

Wallah (i) / Qasam Billah- I swear to Allah
( Not to be used as a joke)

And male, during prayer can wear some holy cap but for women it is compulsory to cover their heads, without it, the prayer isn't accepted


Saad:"Ohh Someone in here got a boyfriend, well didn't expected that soon."

Daniya:" Expectations are from people,loyal to be exact. Not from whores that do it and then label it as rape" Says quickly after Saad speaks

Haris:" Move" Pushes him and tries to get him along with Lina out of the place where Saad and Daniya are, he gets angry rarely. but once he does, he cant control on his anger, or any one else can calm him down

Saad:" What your gonna do little possessive son of a bitch"

Haris:" You better keep your shitty tags to yourself and step the hell aside" He snaps with his most angriest look literally making him red like a chilli as he commands Saad and pushes him

Lina:" Haris, you will hurt yourself.. Stop, please" Requests while holding his hand

Saad:" Another possessive bitch we got here hunh"

Haris:" Shut the fucking hell uppp or else you will be repenting and regretting about your life"

Saad:" I've already repented much, because of this bitch" Points at Lina

Haris punches him on his face so hard that his nose starts bleeding

Lina:" Haris, your hand" Painfully says and grabs his hand quickly and wraps her napkin around his hand. Haris smiles at her.

Lina's POV
He's literally crazy, he got hurt because of me..that Saad shouldn't have come here the first place and most importantly with that bitch. I'm so damned, he got hurt because of me.. I really wanna punch and kick Saad for doing this to my hunny bunny

Haris:" Don't you ever dare to call her anything bad again or else you'll risk your life, she's mine now and i know how to handle people like you" Snaps daringly while holding him by his collar.

Wow I've never seen him like that and the way he called me his, uff he's so making me love him..and i know he loves me as well and said that from his heart..i really wish that he knows that i love him too..Ya Allah thanks for this..I'm really really grateful to you for giving me a clue that he loves me..I knew you wont let my trust down..Thanks Allah so much..I cant express it but you know how much grateful i am for this...I love you Allah.

I was thanking Allah when i heard Saad saying
" Yeah or else that little possessive thinge of yours will pop out like this whore popped out some years ago as a punishment for me"

Haris grabs him from his neck and kicks him. Saad attacks in defense and a little bit fight starts between them then I felt that Haris got a bit hurt as well so i pulled him and took him to the garden and he went with me innocently.. Aww my hunny bunny. I just wanna stretch his cheeks baby..little little..

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