Chapter 11- I sneaked into her dorm

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Lina's POV
I woke up in the morning there was some time left for classes to start i was wearing a black shirt with denim jacket with jeans and then i took my black hijab and wrapped it around my head, for him because he likes me being a true Muslim, that's what i felt when i was around him the whole day especially when he said that i look cute in hijab, i wrapped it nicely and started blushing and i didn't knew that why was i doing so.

It was now time for school. I rushed towards my class but i spotted Haris then, looking at me innocently, unlike his best friend, that Younis, he had a smile on his face and so i smiled back at him, he was with his friends, his group in which he was always found. He left them when he saw me and said them to leave although they were arguing with him that he already bunked his class yesterday so he will be late today as well and all these type of things but he ignored them and when they were gone, he started walking towards me, still with a pleasant smile, which i really liked.

Haris came closer to me, not too close. He got busy in noticing every little thing of my hijab with a smile, which never vanished whenever i saw him he had a pleasant and innocent smile that i really admired and loved.

Haris:" Beautiful... Beautiful you look"

I was looking into his eyes the whole time,which he never moved from my hijab. Even while complimenting he was staring at it.
I kinda felt jealous of it , don't know why and its only a thing, but still. He only can love me. I snapped out of my lovely thoughts of him loving me, to be exact my hijab now and me getting jealous of it and replied to him with a thanks.

Haris shake his head "No need and don't say it again...please"

I smiled at him and so does he. Cutie

Lina:" Hey...I'm sorry...but i think that we both should go and attend the class, we Bunked it yesterday as well... We'll meet in lunch break for sure.. Insha Allah.... I really enjoyed with you yesterday..especially bunking classes and running with you" I laughed at the end part interrupting his business in my hijab, as i was jealous and i didn't wanted him to miss any class and then scolded by anyone or I'll kill that one...not actually though, but i wont leave anyone who does anything to my hunny bunny

Haris:" Yeah Insha Allah we'll meet and i enjoyed it so much as well, it really was a gift from Allah, praying together and running from school" Pats on my shoulder " Bye, my Queen, take care and if anyone does anything just call and tell me who do i want to kill and that one would go up, straight to hell" Bows making me blush plus laugh as hell

Haris:"Do i have your permission to leave, your highness"

Lina:" You have it, My King, you have it" I replied proudly but jokingly

Haris:" I may leave now" Again bows at me, uff Allah this guy is crazyyy but way tooo cutee, my king.

He left with a grin on his face leaving me blushing and laughing so hard. But then i had to go to my class and i really wish to end every class as soon as possible so lunch time comes.

Haris' POV
Ah my Queen, she is actually the queen of my heart and i don't know but i cant resist her sweetness and she cares for me a lot. I love you too my cutie. She even wore hijab today it suited her soo much and her everything is so perfect, she's damn pretty, unlike me , do i even deserve her, her beauty and her every feature is so amazing, so flawless. Ya Allah thanks for sending her to me.

As i was thinking about her, the queen of my heart i used to hate it when people used to interrupt my thinking, especially when i was thinking about her but how would a teacher not interrupt your sweet thoughts

I didn't ever, in my life remembered any teacher's name because to be honest i never was interested in first or last periods, but after meeting Lina that little bit interest in other periods was gone as well, my Queen stole it. All i knew now was that it was maths period, i noticed that everyone had maths type book so i guessed it, otherwise i wouldn't have known that as well! I was so absent- minded

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