Chapter 15 - Maya

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Haris:" You idiot" I grabbed him by his collar and as usual he was kissing some girl, a french kiss, yukh.

Younis:" who the hell is dis..." He was about to complete the sentence when he turned around and saw me. I just wanna kick his goddamned face.

Younis:" Oh you, anything happened? Why are...."

Haris:" You just shut your mouth up" I punched his face, with my full force, leaving a scratch on his face which started bleeding a bit, but i dont give a damn about it, he harmed my girl so this is nothing in comparison to what he did

Younis:" Bro, what happened, chill" His dirty mouth said while his eyes still didn't believe what happened, as if he doesn't know

I starting punching on his chest, saying things to him

Haris:" girl..and now..your asking..what happened " I spoke while punching him hard and there was a crowd forming around here as if we were some wrestlers fighting for survival. These people don't have any other work than poking there noses in people's matters.

Younis was now trying to control me from punching him because I went punching him from his stomach and now was punching his face that was so red and with so much bruises
But weird thing was that, that he wasn't fighting only defending himself.

But how could this not happen that Younis wasnt beating, he kicked on my stomach, it kinda hurt but then it went so numb, i couldn't feel anything

Lina was standing there, trying to understand the things that were going on, she, at first tried to stop me from getting into these fight stuff but i couldn't just let that one rape other girls as well like he did to my Lina

Lina's POV
This one doesn't listen to me, he will himself into that fight and get hurt, all happened because of me, such a stupid i am to tell him about that thing, this was what i was afraid of, that telling him would create a big fuss. But at some point he would've known all of these things, maybe from another person and that wouldn't be right as well, because i would lose his trust then. Ya Allah make it better, hope so, Insha Allah.

Haris' POV
And from his kick, the fight went so long,it looked like its never gonna end. But why will these people stay calm? They called the teachers and other management staff

They came and tried to stop my fight with him, but we both resisted. But when i did, they got far away from me because they knew whenever i became angry, i wouldn't care if its some teacher or anyone else, I'll just release my wrath on them, little bit of it.

But then i went back to Lina, saying some stuff to staff people and giving warnings to Younis for his death

I knew she would've blamed herself for the situation that was going on and i was correct, she was still glued there and her eyes were still not believing all the things that had happened, so innocent she is. My Cute Queen.

She, after a while snapped out of her thoughts and noticed my presence.

Lina:" Haris!!?..." She almost screamed while noticing the wounds on my hand.

Haris:" What?...this? Oh its nothing..just leave it, its fine" I just tried to pretend ok though it was hurting as hell but i just couldn't show it to her, not because i don't want her to see my weak side or something, i just didnt wanted her to be worried about me, she had her tensions as well and i don't wanna just stress her out

Lina:" Dont lie, ok. I know it hurts" She said with teary eyes but Wow, so to the point but how did she knew that it was hurting. Does she have the same feeling as well that i had before? Though im having now as well

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