Fun in the movie theater~(Lemon)

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 Inspiration for this chapter came from @komaedaddyyy

Makki and Mattsun always do dumb stuff together during dates. One of their favorite things to do is to go into a empty movie theater room and do dumb shit together. And today was one of those days. Makki sat in the middle of the theater and Mattsun in the back.

"I bet you twenty dollars they finna fuck!" Makki said to Mattsun

"Bet." Mattsun said back as he chewed on his Chinese takeout he snuck inside.

"Winner has to do what the other says." Makki confidently said with a grin plastered across his face as he walked up to the top of the Cinema to sit by his boyfriend.

"Deal." Mattsun replies as he takes another bite of his food.

And to no one's surprise Makki was right. He threw his fists up in the air and grinned.

"Pay up sucker." Makki said reaching his hand out. Mattsun groaned and took out his wallet. He placed a twenty in his boyfriends hands and put his wallet back up. Makki grinned and quickly took the Chinese takeout out of his boyfriends hands and sat it onto the seat beside him. He crawled into his boyfriends lap and kissed him. Mattsun was surprised but quickly melted into the kiss and took dominance. He wrapped his hands around the pink haired boys waist and pulled him in closer. They then pulled away for air leaving a string of saliva along with them. Makki bit his bottom lip and quickly went back into another kiss. Lets just say they didn't finish watching the movie for reasons. ;)

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