the bakusquad

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Bakugou P.O.V

It my first day at U.A and I can tell by the fucking smell there are a lot of fucking alphas, and not that many omegas and that makes me a little nervous but I'll be okay. I can handle my damn self, I mean I have for fucking 5 year since my mom died when I was 10, and my dad doesn't give a shit about me since I'm an Omega in not a fucking alpha. He mostly ignores me but I don't give a fuck, he's a sorry excuse for a father anyways.

It already 7:55, I got here at 7:20, school doesn't start until 8, but I got here early so I don't have to walk though the crowded hallway, and smell as many damn alphas as I already do.

As time passes more and more people come into class, and it a lot more louder then earlier. Some people already knew each other from the previous year.

No one talked to me because of the angry look on my face, and the fuck off scent I was giving off. people believed that I was an alpha because of it. I didn't agree or disagree to it I let them believe whatever the fuck they want it. But I'll never tell them that I'm an Omega.

While I was in deep thought a red hair boy, that I can tell right off the bat is an alpha, approached me, I look him up and down as he came closer to me and the most fucking annoying voice ever. And like he know me.
"Yo what up, I was wondering if you'd like to hang with me and my friends, and the name kirishima but call me kiri" I looked at him like he was crazy

"No fuck off" I say rolling my eyes and looking away. As I did so the teacher walks in and a bell rings, signaling classes are starting. The red hair alpha walks to his seat and sits down but I still don't look at him. As everyone takes their seat the teacher starts talking.

"Ok you little shit, we are just going to do introductions, since it's the first day and I don't feel like doing anything. If it doesn't take up the whole class you can do whatever you want, starting with you."
He said in a tired voice as he points to a girl with Pink hair and skin. " And by the way I'm aizawa your teacher for the year, you can introduce yourself now."

After that, the pink girl stand up all happy and fucking giggling " Hi I'm Mina Ashido and I'm a beta." She says in a to happy, annoying high-pitched tone.

After her was a green haired girl that kind of look like a frog, it was kind of cute, the way she would put her index finger on her cheek, and stick her tongue out a little bit to the side. 'she fucking adorable' I think to myself. "Hello my name is Tsuyu Asui but you can call me tsu *kero* and im an Omega" she says, to be honest she reminds me of Kermit the frog. And I found it adorable.

As everyone introduced themselves I learned some of their names, not all of them, because some of them are confusing, so i'll give them nicknames. as of right know I only know Deku's name because I use to go to school with him, to be honest I don't like him, he's too big of a goody two-shoes.

So as of right now I now big tit's is an Omega, headphone jack an alpha, Pikachu is a beta, shitty hair is an alpha, peppermint is an alpha, Kermit is an Omega, round face is a alpha, deku is an Omega, birdman is a beta, Sonic is a alpha, and sero is an beta. I didn't tell my second gender, just my name.

'uhh...5 alphys, 4 omega's including me, and 3 betas' way are there so many alphas' I think to myself.

We had only 35 minutes left in class so people just talk quietly to not wake up the teacher, who is currently sleeping in a yellow sleeping bag, And others left. As I was leaving the red-haired alpha came up to me throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Hay Bakubro come hang with me and my friends." He's said, as pink shit, Sero, and Pikachu. Walk behind us. I look back at them after I threw shity hair arm off me, they all had this look of Hope on their faces.

I roll my eyes "tch Fine, whatever" when I looked at them there faces lit up, "yaaay"shitty hair says like a child, I rolled my eyes and walk off with them following. They started talking about some random stuff like what to do "yo bakubro what should we do" shitty hair asked getting the others attention.

"I don't fucking know, find some thing to do shitty hair" I say not look at him

"What? Shitty hair?! My hair not that different from yours" he whined and the other just laugh, I just rolled my eyes at them and continue walking while looking forward.

"Oh~ I kno let go to the gym and play basketball." Pink shit say cheerfully.

"That a good idea Mina" Pikachu says jumping up and down.

"I'm in let's go." Sero says

"Ok I'm in, what about u Bakubro."shitty hair say look down at me, since I'm shorter then him by probably 2 feet. I mean his like 6'0 and I'm only 5'5. Idk he's just tall

" Sure whatever, let go" I say still looking forward to not meet his gaze. he nods and the other cheer in excitement

When we get there a couple of our classmates where there. I don't pay them no attention and go sit on the bleachers,and played on my phone. while the others got basketball and joined the others on the court.
After some time the bell rang and we all go to second period as it was about to start


It now lunch time and I'm sitting with shitty hair, sero, pink shit, and Pikachu. They where talking about random stuff, so I just zoned out. "Bakubro" I hear shitty hair say snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What the fuck you want" I yell, looking up at him

"Wow no need to be so feisty, I called you like six times but u didn't answer, u okey" he say with his head up to defend himself

"Tch, anyway what do you want" I say look away from him, and then noticing the others looking at me, I just frown at them, but of course it didn't do anything, to them a least.

"Well we where thinking of a name to call ourselves any ideas, since you're part of the group now." Pikachu says in a cheerful voice, in a little too high-pitched. I look down to think but nothing came to mind.

"No, nothing comin-" I was cut of by pink shit gasping and screaming "I got it" we all look at her as she look at me "what you come up with pink shit that you have to fucking scream." I yelled a little annoyed.

"I got a name, the Bakusquad it cool isn't it, and you have horrible taste in nicknames Bakubro, that name pretty mean." I rolling my eyes and was hit with a realization that she named the group after me.

"That a good idea Mina." Sero says in a cheer tone and agreement

"Wowww~ that sounds so manly Mina I like it." Shitty hair say in excitement, I look up at him about to say something until I was cut off by Pikachu.

"It settled our new name is the Bakusquad." Pikachu says as he jumps in excitement

"I guess you're not giving me a fucking say in this are y'all." I say annoyed, they all shake their heads no, I just signed, going back to eating my lunch as they laughed.

After lunch we went to our last classes, then it was time to go home. As I said bye to them I thought to myself 'this is going to be a long year' I think to myself as I signed going home


(Words count: 1430)Well that it for today hope you enjoy and keep read, as this is the first story I ever written so sorry if it crap

Are we ment to be Todobaku (omegaverse) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz