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It Monday, the most boring day ever, and the day that determine how your week plays out. As I make my way to the nurse office, to get my suppression for my up coming heat, i noticed all eyes on me, but i shrug it off and continue my way to the nurse, 'they must really like looking at me' i think to myself.

when I get to the nurse I quickly and quietly as for heat suppression, she nods and walk's to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle of suppression and heads it to me, i quickly put it in my bag an thank her, as I was leave I asked if she could not tell anyone why i'm here, she just nods in understandment.

After, I made my way to class, still having eyes on me but I just ignore it, when i open the door to the classroom everyone's attention go's straight to me. Now i'm curious to know why everyone's look at me.

''WHAT'' i yelled annoyed, and then all there face went angry except for the bakusquad. I gave them a look and they seemed to understand because they shrug and mouth idk.

"YOU RUINED IZUKU'S DATE WITH TODOROKI THAT'S WHAT" ochako yelled at me, I looked at her confused not knowing what she was talking about.

"I what now, i don't know what your talking about" i say tilting my head to the side with a confused look.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, ON THE WEEKEND THEY WENT TO THE CARNIVAL AND YOU RUINED IT" she yelled at me again, ok at this point she is starting to annoyed.

"LOOK HERE BITCH YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SET HERE AND TALK TO ME LIKE I'M CRAZY, AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A DATE THIS WEEKEND THAT THEY WENT ON, I WAS WITH MY FRIENDS AND WE SAW THEM AT THE CARNIVAL AND ONE OF MY FRIEND ASKED IF THEY WANTED TO HANG US IF IT WAS NOT A DATE AND TODO SAID NO" i yelled back at here with a paused calming myself down "so why do you believe i ruined a date that never even existed." i ask her more calm this time. " and talk like you have some sense."

"well izuku said you ruined there date on Saturday by coming up to them and taking todoroki away and hang out with and completely ignored him." she said looking down, the bell go's off and the teacher walked in.

"we'll talk after class and i well tell you what really happened." i said going to my seat, she nods and take her seat. then the teacher started to teach.


When class was over i go to ochako and tap her on the shoulder, she urns around to face me. "ok what really happened. " she asked sit's on a table. some people stayed to here what happened too, And the bakusquad to back me up.

"so kiri texted me and asked if i wanted to go to the carnival and said yes, when we get there we noticed deku and peppermint. so kiri asked if they wanted to hang with us if i was not a date, candy cane boy said no the other canceled to study we said ok and we all hung out." i explained to here, she looked around then at me.

"why where you all over todo IG story then." she asked look me in the eye.

"we got separated from the our's and he wanted to take pic to put on his IG." i say shrugging at her.

"oh ok thank you for clearing it up" she say with a smile.

"ya whatever let get to lunch already" i say getting up and leaving. "um hay ya'll can go to the cafe i'm going some were else" i say walking away.

"ok see you bro" pikachu said nodding as i walked away, while i was walking i start thinking about what happened like why would he lie like that. this thoughts like this where going through my mine for a while, the i just shrug it off think how happy i was that momo girl was not here today.

after a some minute of walk i reach the back of the school were the big apple tree was, i start to climb the tree leaving my bag on the ground. after a few minute of relaxing i feel a huge pain go through me 'fuck my heat, why now' as i think that i fall out the tree. I tried to get my suppression out my bag but the pain was so bad i could not move.

"your an omega" i hear a familiar voice say i look up to see icehot standing over me nod my head and was about say something but was hit with another wave of pain and after a few second i was able to get something out.

"in my....ah um b-bag my ah ag heat suppression ah" i say groaning and moaning for the pain, he look at me then my bag, he pick it up and look through it until he find it, he open it and give me two of them,i take them dry since i had no water or anything to take them.

after a minute the pain was go and i could at lest seat up,when i did i look at him before say anything "um can y-you n-not tell anyone about this" i instantly cursed myself for stuttering and looking weak in front of him.

"ok, i won't say anything as long as i get to help you" he says look at me with a smirk, i stare at him i irritated then sighed rolling my eyes.

"find but i don't know how you can help" I say looking away from him as he stood up and move closer to me which make me panic realizing he was alpha and he did attack me yet. "w-what h-h-how are y-you going t-t-to h-help m-m-me." i say fear visible on my face.

"clam down i'm just going to take you to your dorm room" he said give off a comforting scent that clam me down as he pick me up bride style while holding my bag. lunch was over in 5 minute so he hurry to the dorms.

when we got to my dorm room he put me on the bed, I didn't know what to say so i stayed quiet, he was on the floor in front of me. Come to think of it i didn't see him in class today he must have skip and i did see deku ether. "hay why where you in class today, an do you know where that damn deku went." I asked looking up at him "and get off the floor and seat in the chair dumbass" I tell him as i seat back on the bed.

"well i heard the rumor Midoriya made up and i did went to deal with all the question so i skipped, and i don't know where he is, and do you call him deku u know what that means right." he say standing up and seating in the chair and started to spin around in it.

"well it what i call him when we where kids, when i stopped being his friend, that is" i tell him looking up at the ceiling then at the ground.

"you and him use to be childhood friends ew, what made you what to be his friend" he say sounding disgusted, looking at up at the ceiling and leaning back in the chair.

I giggled and looked at him "I have no clue i'm still trying to figure that out." i say shrug and then laughing, he laughed then look at me 'Du-Doom' ' what was that' i think as i can feel my face start to heat up, look away from he to hide the blush on my face, i'm pretty sure i'm failing at doing so.

"why do you hide the fact that you are an omega" he asked look at me with the most cutest curious face ever. WAIT WHAT I'M I THINKING. "you ok you don't have to answer " he say sapping me out of my gaze.

"oh no i'm ok, and i hide that i'm an omega so i don't look weak and i all way get miss taken for an alpha so" i say shrugging and looking up at him, he make an Oh face and nods in understandment. as time pass we do nothing but talk when it start to get late he leave back to his dorm leaving me with my thoughts 'what is this feeling' say putting my hand on my hart. after some seconds i lay down think how long this week is going to be.

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