the carnival

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It been two weeks since I move into my dorm, I didn't get a roommate because I was the last to get my key,and everyone was all ready pair up, so I have a room to myself. I'm not complaining tho I like have space to myself, and easier to hide that I'm an Omega.

My heat should start so time this week, so I need to go get my suppression from the nurse tommorow.

'it the weekend and I have nothing to do' I thought to myself, and just after I heard my phone 'Bing', it was from kiri, he asked if I wanted to go to the carnival with them, I said yes because I nothing else to do. He told me what time to meet up with him and the other, so I got ready and left.

When I got to the gate of U.A I saw the Bakusquad waiting for me.

"There he is" Mina yell in excitement, ready to go.

"Dude what took ya so long" Sero asked, in curiosity

"Oh, shut the fuck up, I had to get myself together." I said with anger in my voice. Kiri  and Pikachu start to laugh, I just looked at them.

"Ok let's get this show on the road" Pikachu yelled in excitement. 'this is going to be a long day' I thought to myself as we start to leave.

               ~~TODOROKI P.O.V~~

I was in my dorm room with my roommate he brought his friends over too, and they are annoying and would not stop talking. When they asked me something I would answer with two words, and a blink unreadable face. 

After sometime I got a text from midoriya asking if I wanted to go to the carnival, I said yes so I can get away from my roommate and his friend. I Get up and go to the restroom and get ready. When I was done i grab my wallet, keys, and my phone, about to leave.

"Hay where you going" one of my roommates friends say, get the other attention.

"Out" I say leaving the room not want to talk.when I got to the gate I saw just midoriya.

"Where the other." I say curious on were they were.

"Oh um.. they cancelled saying we had to study." He say looking down, I could tell he was lying and just wanted to be alone with me. But I brush it off and still went with it, I didn't wanna go back to my dorm.

"Okay then let's go" I say still emotionless and a blank face. When we start walking there I noticed how close midoriya was getting, so I move over a little 'uhhh... he's being clingy again' I think to myself. I really hate it when he does that, i'm  kinda used to it tho.

When we get there it packed with kids, and old people, and not that many teens. We pay for tickets to play games,and wristbands to get on rides.

When we get in we walk around for a while, then started to play games, then out of no where I hear my name be called. I kno it's not midoriya because he doesn't call me todobro only kiri calls me that. So I turn around and to my knowledge it was kirishima. He was with he friends.

"Hay Todoroki oh... midoriya here to" he said not sounding happy that he was. And I can understand where he's coming from. "Anyway you guys want to hang with us" he asked focusing his attention on me, Knowing that I would say yes."That if you to are not on a date," he say noticing the others were not here.

"Ya will hang with you guys, and no this not a date the other 'cancel to study' " I say knowing he will understand what I meant, and by the way he looked at midoriya he understood.

"Well we're play games right now, and then riding the rides when it gets a little dark" he say look back at his friends over his shoulder. The first person I noticed was the ash hair blond, and get a little happy see that he's here.

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