After the tour

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We got home a few days ago from the tour and we where having a party tonight with everyone from Magcon and a bunch of youtubers

"TOSCA HURRY UP PEOPLE ARE GONNA BE HERE SOON" Connor yells as I look in the mirror at my outfit (outfit in banner picture). I had my hair in a high pony tail and did my usual makeup. I went downstairs and the house was already full

"Hey Tosca" Nash said as he grabbed my hand and turned me around

"Hey, I'm gonna get a drink" I tell him as we both go threw the kitchen. I start having chugging contest with people. The last thing I could remember was taking body shots off of Nash, Taylor Caniff and Kian

^^^the next morning^^^

I woke up in the shed with Trevor, Nash, Aaron, Shawn, Matt, Bri and Nati

"What the fuck happened" I say as I try and move out of the giant pile we where sleeping in "WAKE THE FUCK UP" i yell and everyone woke up

"What happened" Bri asks as everyone stretches

"That's what I need to know" I say as I try and open the shed door but I was locked "it's locked"

"Okay who remembers what happened" Matt asks

"Who was complete drunk they blacked out" I ask. Me, Nash, Bri, Nati and Trevor all put up our hands

"Okay aaron Shawn matt what do you remember" I ask as I sit down with them

"The last thing I remember is JC telling us to get in here because we are minors" Aaron tells us

"Okay Shawn" I ask

"You taking body shots off of Nash, Taylor and Kian" Shawn says

"Matt?" I ask him

"Bri and Nati making out" he says with a smirk

"Who has their phones" I ask and everyone checks their pockets. Everyone either didn't have it or it was dead "fuck we are stuck in here until someone bothers to wake up" I say

^^^a few hours later^^^

"I'm so fucking hungry" Trevor says as we all sit around when we hear the patio door open and Connor and Ricky talking

"CONNOR" I yell as we all bang on the shed door when it opens

"Finally!" We all say in sync as we stumble out

"Why where you guys in the shed?" Ricky asks

"Apparently the cops showed up so JC got us all to go in the shed because where minors and he forgot about us" I tell them as we all walk into the house "JC ImGOING TO KILL YOU" I yell when I see him

"What did I do" he asks

"You locked is in the shed last night when the cops came then forgot about us" I yell

"Damn, sorry" he says as he walks away

Connor Frantas difficult sister *unedited* {O2L and Magcon fanfic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant