Authors note

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I'm sorry this story was going no where and it just needed to end. If you liked it please check out my other books

And who ever read the whole book thank you and I hope you enjoyed 😊

I have other stories you guys can check out if you enjoyed this one

I know I ended this book dramatically but drunk drivers are really serious and this does happen a lot to innocent people so I just wanted to end it on a "educational" note. I ended it like that because I had a best friend and she was only 17 when she died from getting hit by a drunk driver. Drunk driving is so serious and I just want to say never drive drunk. Not only is it dangerous for you but also for over people. Just be smart.

RIP Sophiee
1996- 2014

Connor Frantas difficult sister *unedited* {O2L and Magcon fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now