Meeting my family

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Me, Carter and Connor where walking up to the door of my bio families house. I was squeezing Carters hand

"Ready?" Connor asks as we stop I front of the door. I take a deep breath and nod. Connor knocks on the door and seconds later a beautiful woman with blue eyes and blonde hair answers

"Tosca" she says embracing me in a tight hug. Over her shoulder I see a man a little taller then me with brown hair and green eyes. He came and hugged me as well

"This is my brother Connor and my boyfriend Carter" I say as I pointed at each of them

"It's nice to meet-" she was cutt off by a scream

"OH MY GOD ITS CARTER REYNOLDS AND CONNOR FRANTA" A girl screams. She had brown hair and blue eyes and so did the boy beside her but there was another girl that look just like me

"Hi I'm Tosca" I say waving at them

"This is Kylie and Ty the twins" she tells me as she points too the two that looked alike "and this is Devon" she says pointing at the other one

"Sara don't leave them standing outside, please come in" my bio dad says as me, Connor and Carter step in

After eating they where all asking me questions

"Where do you live" Devon asked me

"I live in Los Angeles with my brother and his friends that are in O2L" I tell them

"You... You know the other O2L members" Kylie asks and I nod "do you know Magcon" she asks me and I nod

"You are amazing" Ty says

"Thank you" I say as I smile

"How do you like LA" Devon asks me

"I love it, maybe some time you guys can come visit" I tell them

"REALLY?! I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO LA!" Devon squeals

"We would too!" Kylie and Ty say in sync

"Do they do that a lot" I ask talking about how Kylie and Ty say things in sync

"Surprisingly" my bio dad says

"It's our twin telepathy" they both say in sync

"So when can we take you up on that offer about LA" Devon asks

"When you can" I say

"Can we come with you when you go back?" They ask

"Don't you have school" I ask

"We just got out for the summer last week" she tells me. I look at CONNOR and he nods

"Well I guess you could but I couldn't afford the flights" I tell them

"Mom dad can't you?" Ty and Kylie say as they look at them

"Well maybe on Christmas brake" Jon said and they all signed

Connor Frantas difficult sister *unedited* {O2L and Magcon fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now