Chapter Three | Window of Opportunity

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It was bound to happen somehow was the first thought that came to me when I stepped out of a ladies’ room cubicle and found Nica standing there. She was reapplying her lipstick in front of the mirror when I caught her eye. My first instinct was to bolt, but I went ahead and took a spot next to her to wash my hands, hoping she wouldn’t bother talking to me.

“How does it feel to be a winner, Garnet?”

But of course she would bother.

I raised my eyes at her reflection on the mirror and noted the stark contrast in our appearance. She wore a blue-green cowl-neck blouse over a pair of black skinny jeans, her high-heeled shoes giving her a bit of a height advantage over me. Her long hair fell in elegant curls by the sides of her face and over her shoulders, and her freshly tinted lips...

Goddamnit, brain. Why did you conjure up aggravating memories of Charlie kissing those lips?

“Great, I guess,” I managed to say, suddenly feeling underdressed in my emerald-green varsity shirt and denims.

“You guess?” she asked, one eyebrow jerking up. “I suppose it doesn’t feel as good when you steal something instead of earning it.”

My heart dropped to my stomach so quickly, I felt nauseated.

“I hope you’re happy.” Nica’s words cut through my attempt to counter her accusation, but she was already out the door before I could say something.

I clenched my fists hard and willed the guilt out of my system. Between Nica and me, she was the one who should feel more remorse, right? I took a few deep breaths and counted backward from ten, splashed cool water on my face, and wiped it dry with a paper towel.

I need some air.

* * * * *

I was a rookie Lady Hunter the last time we had a party as big as this. This year’s was grand but still relatively smaller than the victory parties held for our male counterparts, the Emerald Hunters. Unfortunately, they failed to make the finals this year, so I guess part of the budget for their party went to ours.

I mean, we didn’t even have a DJ before, which would have been pretty cool if loud music were my thing. It’d never been, and neither was grinding against random people on the dance floor, so I snuck out of the sports bar with a glass of iced tea and sat myself at an al fresco table. I wasn’t even halfway through my drink when I heard his voice.

“Ah. It’s so easy to find you at these parties.”

I raised my head and saw Charles walking toward me, running a hand through his hair. He looked like he was starring in his own music video, the way his stride matched the rhythm of the music from inside the bar.

That is, until he carelessly plopped onto the seat across from me.

“What are you doing here?” A pronounced crease formed on his forehead.

“Uh, picking you up?” he replied, like the answer was obvious all along. “Oh, and...” He pulled out a small pink envelope from the back pocket of his jeans and handed it to me. It had “To Ate Garnet” written in purple glitter on the outside. “Nat made you an invitation for her tenth birthday.”

I opened the envelope and quickly read through Natalie’s short note with a grin on my face. She was having a Disney-themed party and told me I should come dressed as a princess like everyone else. I immediately thought of acquiring Colby’s help for this; she used to be big on cosplay.

“Wait. Didn’t you drive your parents to Tagaytay?” I asked, slipping the invitation into my pocket. I was pretty sure it was more than a little past midnight. How many hours had this boy been on the road?

“Drove back,” he replied matter-of-factly. “They didn’t need me there.”

“And I do?” Charles clicked his tongue and sighed in exasperation. “I drove all the way back here to pick you up, and you can’t even offer your friend a drink?” He lifted an arm to motion to my glass of iced tea he’d been eyeing for a while now.

I slid the glass over to his side of the table. His disposition quickly changed, a boyish smile appearing on his face as he took a sip from the straw. “Indirect kiss!” he teased, shaking the glass in the air.

“Oh my g—that’s so juvenile!” I laughed anyway. We both did. He took another sip, then slid the glass back toward me. “Nice try, Charlie.”

“Just kidding. Want me to get you another drink?”

“Nah. Let’s go home,” I said. “I’m tired.”

Just like that, we left the area, with Charles walking a few steps ahead of me. I was busy keying in a message to my teammates saying I’d gone home when a phone call from an unknown number suddenly came through.


“Hello, I’m sorry for calling so late—is this Ms. Garnet Figueroa?”

“Yes. Who is this?”

“Hi, this is Oliver from CollegePH. I’m calling to inform you that we’re planning a feature on college athletes and you’re part of our shortlist. I was wondering if you’ll be available for a shoot next week?”

I stopped in my tracks. This has got to be a prank, I thought, craning my neck to see if someone nearby was watching me take the call. I never got photographed for magazines unless team photos were required. The only Lady Hunter who got contacted for photo shoots was Kim Caliuag, who was as elegant in a dress as she was deadly in a jersey. In fact, she became so in demand that she got herself agented just last year.

“Are you sure you have the right person?”

Charles stopped walking and turned to look at me curiously. He started toward me as I listened to Oliver on the other line tell me that yes, he definitely had the right person and that they’re planning to shoot a magazine spread with me and Chris Barcelo.

You have got to be kidding me.

“Will you let me know when you’re available next week so I can set a schedule with you and Chris?”

“Uh... yeah. Sure.”

“Great! Thank you, Ms. Figueroa. Please get in touch with me as soon as you can.”

I saw concern all over Charles’ face when I ended the call. “Is everything okay?” he asked, and I could only stare at him for a good long minute.

CollegePH wants to do a photo shoot with me.”

His eyes lit up. “Oh my god, Garns! That’s awesome!” he exclaimed, lifting both hands to cup my face. I saw the hesitation in his eyes before he pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you,” he said in a quieter tone, squeezing me tight before letting go. “CollegePH makes these really fun features—remember when they did the vintage issue for the cheer squads?”

How could I forget? Charles and Nica looked so lovey-dovey in the photos, it made Justine, Colby, and me cringe.


Charles jerked his head to the side, a gesture that meant we should start walking again. I fell in stride with him quicker this time. “Did they say what theme you’ll be following?” he asked, playfully throwing his keys up in the air. “I’m excited to see what they’ll come up with this time.”

“No. The guy just told me I’m getting paired with Chris Barcelo.”

The mild jingling of keys ended with a clunk on the pavement.


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