Chapter 3

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Percy POV

Percy was hidden in the shadows. Coulson probably knew but Skye was clearly too focused on her conversation with his former SO to notice he was there.

Skye was interesting. She seemed complicated much like himself with multiple layers and walls to prevent herself from getting hurt. Percy knew that Coulson obviously liked her but he was more cautious and his gut told him that while she might gain his trust eventually Percy shouldn't completely trust her any time soon.

He turned his focus back to the conversation going on before he had a flashback of the gods' betrayal. Percy watched a woman on the screen talk about about an attack by a man who he assumed was either a target or the "team's"(it really couldn't be called a team yet) first mission. Contrary to popular belief Percy was never stupid, in fact he used people's underestimation of him to take them by surprise and beat them. After all nobody in S.H.IE.L.D. was stupid much less their most heavily relied upon agent.

"This is wrong," Skye spoke. "This is not the guy I met. He was..." she hesitated. "He just needs a break."

Coulson spoke softly. "Then give him one. What have you got?"

Skye started spilling info. Percy had to admit Coulson always knew exactly what to say in any situation. He was one of the few people who Percy trusted and could see past the walls he had built around him after the betrayal.


Per y smirked. He hadn't moved from his earlier position and despite the entire team being in the room to be debriefed, he had still gone unnoticed. He silently thanked S.H.I.E.L.D. for training him to stay still for long periods of time despite his ADHD. 

He watched as Coulson asked Fitz what they had learned from the security footage he, Simmons and May had retrieved earlier.

Percy barely suppressed a laugh as Fitz bluntly stated the obvious, "Well, the man is angry at the other man,' and the team all sent him looks that clearly said, "No duh."

Simmons butted in, "The data is very corrupt."

"Yeah like Cold War Russia corrupt," Fitz scoffed.

Skye who until then had remained silent spoke up, "What if you had the audio?"

Percy knew that this question would just lead to a bunch of sciency stuff so he tuned out the conversation knowing he would understand none of it.

He refocused when he heard Coulson say, "Agent May will escort you." He stopped May before she left though, "And on your way out, wake up Ward."

What had Coulson done this time?

Ward POV

"So what did that get us?" he said striding into Fitzsimmon's lab.

He listened to Fitz ramble on about how Skye was sending him the Centipede files she had recovered. At the moment he just wanted to stay away from Skye. She was distracting him from both his pretense as a loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and his duties as a Hydra spy.

He scowled when Coulson looked at him and nodded saying nice work.

Nice work? That had been horrible. He'd hated exposing himself like that even if it had mostly all been a lie, something he was getting very good at doing.

"And our mystery man appears," Fitz said making Ward realize he had missed some of what the scientist had said.

Ward turned towards the hologram, "Explosives in the case?" he asked.

"Please calm down. Just let me check your vitals," the hologram of the doctor said. 

"I feel fine. I want to feel more," the other man responded. "Where's the doctor? Where is she?!"

Percy Jackson-Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Where stories live. Discover now