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It was just three years ago when Leah left. Zuko stared down at the commoners of the fire nation, wishing he could spot her face among them. He was alone. Well, he had his uncle...his sick and weakening uncle. Zuko spread word of his uncles illness, hoping and wishing it would bring Leah back. He knew Iroh would want to see her. The two were close.

"Uncle, you shouldn't move around so much." The fire lord scolded. He didn't have to turn away from the window to know the old man was moving.

"...hmmmhmm Z-Zuko you shouldn't worry so much." The man assured. Zuko wanted to yell at him, tell him he had everything to worry about ... But he couldn't . His beloved uncle, the only one who had stayed with him throughout his life, was dying! How could Zuko allow himself to shout at the man? To disturb his peace? Simple. He didn't.

Iroh placed his head upon the pillow and drifted off into a deep sleep. Zuko watched him carefully for a moment, then decided it would be kind to make him his second favorite tea.

Moving quickly down the stretch of dark hallways, he rushed to the kitchen. "Look out!" A female voice cried. She crashed into Zuko , spilling all of the cakes and other foods into the floor.

"Who are you, and what are you doing?" Zuko kept his temper, though he wasn't too happy about being trampled.

"I'm no one, I'm here with my mistress, the Princess of Sana." The stout woman said. Realization clicked in the boys mind. How could he have forgotten? A place called Sana, was full of war and poverty refugees from the Four Nations. The previous year, the king delivered a message to Zuko. The message was a request to join Sana and the Four Nations again, for the people who left family behind. The Fire Nation was closest, and the King decided that the best way to ensure peace, was to unite the Sana and The Fire nation with a marriage.

Till death do they part.

Zuko dismissed the servant, and rushed down the remaining stairs. He stepped into the great room, and bowed, greeting the guests.

"My greatest apologies Miss-" He glanced up, and his eyes connected with a pair of green ones, contrasting with dark skin and black hair.

2017 and I'm finally editing! I can't do it on my computer but luckily I have a phone and iPod!

I apologize for the horrible quality and plot of this story, but thank you all who stuck with the chaos, and confusion!

Zuko wanted to make Iroh his second favorite tea, because he sucks at brewing and preparing Jasmine tea. He didn't want to upset Iroh's stomach.

His Golden Eyes: InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now