OurSecondLife may be ending tomorrow

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Okay guys if you have Twitter and you are following other O2Lers you've probably seen all the sad tweets and hashtag such as #saveo2l , #o2lmemories , etc. (I'm shocked none of them are trending yet tbh, well maybe they are idk I haven't checked for like 20 minutes because it's making me sad) but anyways if you are you have probably heard the rumors and looked at the proof thingys ( such as the media above/off to the side) and idk what I'm going to do I can't stand this, this is way worst than anything else sad that's happened in the fandom 😭 oh and if you looked at the media the picture on the far left is from Kian's video yesterday (Dec. 27th) and it usually says like "see you next Saturday" or thanks for watching but with a smiley face or something not "thanks for watching..." And I know you are probably reading this and going wow you are over reacting thanks for watching with dot dot dot after it how will you survive, but if you read the picture in the media on the far left somebody else wrote that (idk who but credit to them sorry I'm using it) there is a lot of proof and don't get me wrong I don't want it to end, but there is a lot of this suggesting that it may be ending. If you guys have added Trevor on snapchat you might have seen his story and Sam, Ricky, Trevor, Kian and Jc are all at the O2L house and Trevor says they just got done filming a video but like none of the, looked sad (Jc was rubbing his eyes but I don't think he was crying idk please watch it and tell me what you think I think Trevor's Snapchat is just TrevorMoran but idk) ugh idk what to think 😭 I might update tomorrow depending on what the announcement is but until then FANDOM HUG. -Blondie

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