Moment 7

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Heyyyy sorry it seems like I haven't updated this in forever so in the words of Connor "hey how the heck are ya?" Okay anyway so for this update I tried to add the video "My Gay Confession" which was Sam's video for confession week on O2L and so if you haven't seen that video please watch it so you know what I'm talking about lol (btw Sam says in the video "I'm not gay but I've had some moments" or something like that haha) yeah in the video says that he's kissed a guy before and. It. Was. Kian. I think that's all that needs to be said so pretty much they kissed, on the lips I'm pretty sure lol, have any of you guys noticed how many times Sam has kissed Kian on the cheek in videos 😂 my heart melts just a little each time keep 'em coming Sammers lol. But that's all I've got for this update just please go watch video sorry I couldn't get it for the media but I met Ricky and Shelby in Minneapolis so there is a lovely picture of that 😍 it was kind of the best thing ever still sososo happy. Okay I'm done now I update soon hopefully! -Blondie

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