The end of O2L 12/29/14

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So as you guys probably know to well by now O2L posted their official goodbye I guess you could call it, they said that they were getting too busy to upload on time and they didn't want the channels content to get bad just because they didn't have time so they decided to end it. 😭 I can't believe how famous they got and how much they accomplished I'm so proud I'm crying again (I've been crying like on and off for 4 hours🔫) I'm so sad but I'm happy they are doing what's best. They said this week is goodbye week and on each day they are going to do a personal goodbye from each one of them (not Connor sadly,tbh I'm crossing my fingers for Sunday oops), I'm really nervous for each video because I know they're not going to be happy videos. But I was so happy in the video because they were hugging and Jc was like "Photoshop in Connor" I'm glad they are including him. (Btw I tried to get the video for the media but when I searched the only video that came up was the one Connor posted saying goodbye in July) But anyways please go watch the video it's super sweet but you can see it in their eyes that they don't want to end it because Kian and Trevor never really talk and at the end Ricky hugs Trevor (then they dog pile 😂) , and yeah that's all I've got just please go watch the video and support them. We love you guys so so so so so so so much ❤️💕 -Blondie #ThankyouO2L #O2Lforever #O2LsBigAnnouncement #ThankstoO2L

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