Moment 5

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Okay I have 4 things to say for this update
1) Did you guys watch Kian and Jc's Livestream to announce the Kian and Jc project? I'm so excited can the 19th come faster !
2) kiansnudes is getting promo sorry screenshot 😂
3) Does anyone know what happened in this picture because like idk I was just scared something happened to Sam like he passed out or something I know I'm weird but I was wondering so idk if this counts as a moment but the moment I was going to post I couldn't find the picture for so that will be for next time. But please comment if you do know what was going on lol 😂.
4) HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉🎊 Its still 2014 central time where I live but it's already 2015 in some places! 2014 had so many ups and downs not just for me but for the boys and all other Youtubers and celebrities I made a quick list (for Youtubers)
-Kiandrea broke up 😔 (but more opportunity for lawlorff sorry Kiandrea shippers)
-At least 3/6 were verified on Twitter (idk if it was more or not so at least 3/6) I think there was a more. Umm Connor, Jc, Ricky, Trevor?? , Kian?? I don't think Sam was i don't think he is verified yet.
-O2L went on tour
-Tyler Oakley went on tour.
-O2L was featured in 3+ magazines.
-Bethany Mota was on DWTS.
- Ricky released 3 songs.
-Trevor released his first EP.
-O2L won a teen choice award.
-Bethany Mota and Tyler Oakley also won a TCA.
-Connor Franta came out.
-O2L broke up. *violently sobs*
-The Kian And Jc project was FINALLY announced.
Sorry if I missed anything else major I'm writing this kind of on a whim < is that a word? Idk

But yeah that's all I've got for this moment thanks for reading and Happy New Year! New updates coming soon!

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